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Position:Home>History> Multiple choice question on history?

Question: Multiple choice question on history!?
In the 5th century C!.E!., Buddhism spread to China
A!.) arriving with nomads from Central asia
B!.) but had little success converting the superstitious peasants
C!.) and was readily accepted by the ruling elites
D!.)which became the center of the Buddhist world
E!.) where the Chinese imposed some if their own cultural values on the religion

which is the best answer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is not clear when Buddhism reached China, but the existence of this religion was reported on by Chang Ch'ien on his return from Ferghana in the 2nd century BCE!. A century later a Buddhist community is recorded at the Han court!. However, the most famous story is that of the Emperor Ming-di!. In 68 CE, a golden figure appeared to the Emperor in a dream!. The next morning, he asked his ministers what the dream meant and he was told that he had seen the Buddha, the god of the West!. As a result, he sent his minister Cai Yin to central Asia to learn about Buddhism!. Cai Yin returned after three years and brought back with him not only images of the Buddha and scriptures, but also two Buddhist monks, He-mo-teng and Chu-fa-lan!. A few years later a Buddhist community was established in Luoyang, then the capital of Han China!. In 148 CE a Parthian missionary, An Shih-kao, arrived in China!. He set up a Buddhist temple and began the long task of translating the Buddhist scriptures into Chinese!. A monastery was also established and became known as Baima, White Horse Monastery, because it was said that the sutras had been carried to China on a white horse!. The followers of Buddhism in China have always acknowledged Baima Monastery as the "ancestral temple" and the "source of Buddhism"!. The work of sutra translation continued to the 8th century when access to Central Asia and India by land was cut off by the Arabs!. In 166 CE, Han Emperor Huan formally showed his acceptance of Buddhism by having both Taoist and Buddhist ceremonies performed in the palace!. By 514 CE there were 2 million Buddhists in China!. Great monasteries and temples were built and the work of translating the scriptures into Chinese was undertaken in earnest!.

D!. It came with the Buddha( a prince from India) who was seeking the meaning of life!. His name was Siddhartha Gautama!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't have your book sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com