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Position:Home>History> John Calvin vs. Martin Luther

Question: John Calvin vs!. Martin Luther
What was each man's reasons for their disagreements with the Catholic Church!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Martin believed a person could be saved by grace (God's choice) ALONE, that the Eucharist was a symbol of Christ and not Christ's actual body, and whether certain books of the Bible (the Protestants call them Apocrypha) should be included or not, and even did some editing of key Biblical passages!.!.!.These were 'doctrinal' issues, which normally are set by the Catholic church through long committee work and consensus, which he undertook to change by his own initiative!.

Martin had other differences of a less serious nature, such as the selling of indulgences and the celibacy of priests!. (These are of a less serious nature, because they are practices that could be changed by the Pope acting alone - He wouldn't have to call a large council of fellow bishops and gain consensus, as he'd have to do for doctrinal issues!.

It's generally agreed that Martin didn't want to end up splitting the Church, he just wanted to reform it!.

John Calvin had disagreements with the Catholic Church similar to Martin, but he also believed in the 'elect' and 'predestination!.' The 'elect' idea meant that only a very small chosen few would go to heaven, and who God chose could be revealed by signs including material wealth!. 'Predestination' meant man's free will was much restricted by God; and was a stronger emphasis on the idea that man is saved by 'grace alone!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com