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Question: HELP!!! SOMEONE!?!?!? ANYONE!?!?!?
The main problem with the economy when Ford took office was!?
a!. high unemployment and inflation
b!. inflation and runaway economic growth
c!. a falling deficit!.
d!. falling unemployment

In 1975, when Ford asked for military aid to ty to save South Vietnam, Congress !?
a!. voted in favor of the funds
b!. forced Ford to appear before a House committee
c!. cut the defense budget by half
d!. used the War Powers Act to say no

The general mood of America's bicentennial was!?
a!. gloomy
b!. optimistic
c!. indifferent
d!. angry

The basic issue of the 1976 presidential campaign was!?
a!. the Watergate break-in!.
b!. welfare
c!. trust
d!. the separation of church and state

The personal characteristic that dominated Carter's view of the world was his!?
a!. efficiency
b!. rural background
c!. thoughtfulness
d!. deep religious faith

At the start of his presidency, Carter tried to stimulate the economy with!?
a!. school prayer
b!. tax cuts for the wealthy
c!. government deficit spendings
d!. decrease in the federal budget!.

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