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Position:Home>History> What is feudalism and how did it affect the government in the 1700s

Question: What is feudalism and how did it affect the government in the 1700s
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It only existed in Russia by the1700's, every where else it had been succeeded by other forms of rule!.

Basically it was when the King ruled the land, the Barons and other land owners swore fealty to the King, and provided taxes and soldiers to him when he requested them!. The barons were all powerful on there own lands, and were supposed to protect the people (Surfs) who grew the crops, in exchange the surfs gave some of there crops as taxes!. In reality most barons took more of the crops than the surfs could afford, and forced the young men to become foot soldiers in his army whenever he wanted!. Often the surfs starved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com