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Position:Home>History> Why is there a Jewish star on the wall of the Christian chapel inside the Castle

Question: Why is there a Jewish star on the wall of the Christian chapel inside the Castle of Monterrei, Galicia (Spain)
The guide said it's because the jews gave money for the construction but that seems historically unlikely and antisemitic!.!.!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its not only in this particular church, but in many others like in Manchester England!. There is a blogger look at his work
He published a book [Hebrew] titled:Star of David Black & White!. Initiated 3 art shows about the Star of David!. See: youtube!.com/user/zeevveez picasaweb!.google!.com/zeevveez/StarOfDavi!.!.!.

The Star of David is not a Jewish symbol historically and was used as a Jewish symbol only as of the 14th century in Prague!.

Its called a Hexagram, read more


Spain was a giant mix of muslims, jews & catholics for a long period because so many different ethnic/religious groups settled there!. The Jewish star is actually used in a lot of muslim artwork and muslim architecture hugely influenced a lot of the Christian churches!. At least, that's my understanding :)Www@QuestionHome@Com