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Position:Home>History> Controversial English Historical Figure?

Question: Controversial English Historical Figure!?
I have been searching for an English historical figure that caused lots of contoversy but has two different perspectives written about them, a positive and negative!. If anyone knows names (off the tops of their heads would be fine) it would be a big help!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oliver Cromwell,
Winston Churchill
Lord Mountbatten
I think it was Desmond Disraeli was the Pm for Queen Victoria practically ran the country for he was very controversial at the time!. Alternatively try John Brown, servant or attendant to Queen Victoria, former Scottish separatist, to aid the cause became trusted servant
There where a number of labour leaders in English industrial history, Carl Marx was visiting Manchester when he was with a Friends in a cafe or tavern when he dreamt up the rights of the working man , and the communistic ideals!.
There where a number of woman's groupsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try Guy Fawkes-he was and still is reviled by the English, but to look at it another way he was a true hero, fighting for his religious compatriots and trying to bring down what he saw a as a corrupt and lying government!. If the Gunpowder Plot (1604) had come off, it would have meant the annihilation of the English aristocracy and government-both houses of Parliament as well as the main courtiers and the head of the Anglican Church as well as sundry bishops, important merchants and assorted big names were all gathered together in one convinient location!

History would have been very different if it had worked! Despite being a good Catholic and knowing that suicide would mean eternal damnation, when he was on the scaffold ready to be hanged he jumped! He wouldn't give his enemies the satisfaction of executing him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~Why not George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Sam Adams, John Hancock or Thomas Paine!. Paine might be the easiest, since he never set foot in British America until 1774, then, once there, he wrote of the terrible British oppression in the colonies although he had experienced none of it and relied on his patron, Benjamin Franklin, and Ben's rebel buddies for his "facts" and details!. Then, as soon as the war was over and he could do so without being hanged for treason, he high-tailed it back to England only to have to flee to France to avoid another rope for yet further treasonous acts!. Only the intervention of James Monroe saved him from his date with the guillotine in France!. Interesting guy, Tommy was, but a perpetual loser!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try Oliver Cromwell!.



Eliot - not sure that one could view Mosely in a good lightWww@QuestionHome@Com

You can't go past Lady Godiva!
Princess Diana
Henry VIIIWww@QuestionHome@Com

Henry 8th

Richard the lionhearted = great general, terrible kingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oswald MoseleyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Neville ChamberlainWww@QuestionHome@Com
