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Position:Home>History> If Karl Marx was alive today...?

Question: If Karl Marx was alive today!.!.!.!?
do you think he would still consider Communism to be the best alternative to capitalism!? especially after the fall of Communism in the Soviet Union, the basic adoption (in economic terms) of capitalism in China, and Cuba just exhibiting signs of coming out of it, do you think Marx would still argue the same way!?
Give reasons why with sources
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Good question - please accept a star!.

Marx was demonstrably wrong when he wrote, and is no more correct today!. The innumerable inconsistencies and downright contradictions in his works were pointed out at the time, and since, by many critics!. His ideas which never passed the test of reason have also, and catastrophically, been proved noxious in practice!.

However, this would make no difference to Marx!. His attachment to revolutionary politics and to violence was emotional, not rational!. A man who preached equality, but (despite his own ancestry) hated Jews and despised blacks; who bullied his wife and family and impregnated the family maid under his own roof (what did Frau Marx think about that!?) and despite having done the same himself, rated his friend Engels for taking a mistress from the working class not the bourgeoisie, is not someone who will be moved by facts or reason!.

Marx would however probably update his philosophic theory!. Engels is a bit dated; I have a feeling that Marx would cotton on to the French existentialists!. Their attitude - that man creates his own character and his own meaning as he goes along, making something out of 'le néant' - could support his utopian idea that we might construct a new human nature!. He might also abandon his materialism!. In a world where the European working-class enjoy a standard of comfort Marx himself could not dream of, but have shown no sign of developing 'correct' attitudes as a result, he might be having a (possibly ecological) rethink!.

His undesirable racial and sexual attitudes would probably survive!. Antisemitism and sexism are not extinct on the Left today!.

On the whole, I'm glad that this particular resurrection didn't happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he would still argue the same way!. I think he would say he could do it better than the others!. Although, he was a pretty intelligent man, i think he would be able to identify areas which were weak and resolve them, so he maybe wouldn't stick ridgidly to the original plan!.!.!. if that makes sense!.!. but yea, all in all, i generally think he would favour the same principles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


capitalist western democracy has wrecked the planet way way more than any other civilisation in history

its wiped out species after species, caused hundreds of millions of people to die in wars and of poverty, and is believed to be a cause of climate change

the west is so smug, thinking its the highest form of civilisation, itd be ironic if they ended up wiping us all outWww@QuestionHome@Com

He might well still argue that Communism is the best solution!. If only because 1) no one likes to admit being wrong, 2) He wrote a two thousand page unreadable book about, so he didn't seem in a great hurry to change his mind then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Possibly, he could still condier Communism as a solution!. But I am very sure detail of hie belief would be a lot differentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Pinkeys never learn, he'd still be the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He'd be turning in his grave!. M!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes Of Course he would!
Communism is still the most viable alternative to CAPITALISM!
The true essence of Communism as preached by Marx, has been perverted by modern day communist countries, to suit there own benefits! Capitalism makes the rich richer and the poor poorer!.!.!. it is a proven fact!!
But because Communism has been tabooed by the world's super power( and has been considered terroristic) we seem to want to distanciate ourselves from it, because we have been told by big brother that it is bad!
But is it really!? Is social equality such a bad thing!? Because that is the bottom line of what marx tried to preach through his doctrine!
The disadvatages of Capitalism hides behind the cloak of democracy! And because we so readily accept Democracy, it just seems viable that we should accept Capitalism!

Both Communism and Democracy at its core, are good!. Or at least they both have good tendencies!.
The "world" likes to say that Communism has failed on an epic scale! But has it!?
Hasnt Democracy (particulary in Africa) failed even greater than Communism!? Communism Failed in east Europe and one or two other countries in the world! But almost the entire continent of Africa has failed democratically! And there are other examples out of Africa where democracy is not living up to all it has promised!.
So the question is which has failed on a bigger scale!? And why are we so willing to accept definitions given to us by others!?
Marx would have stood by his Marxist/ communist belief!.!.!.Because it is truly the only way to gain social equality in an otherwise unequal sociaty!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mmm!.!. Is suspect that if Marx was alive, he'd be pretty angry that someone buried him!.!.

To answer your question!. Communism, seems to be coming unstuck {my cousin who visits China infrequent on business, describes it as the least Communistic place on Earth}!. It can be argued that without Worldwide Communism external pressures make true Communism impossible but the totalitarian culture that can arise has certain lent itself to massive corruption and the perversion of the Marx's ideal by people like Stalin!. It looks likely that any similar system where centralised power is so concentrated will, sooner or later, be similarly tainted!.

To be fare, it's becoming more clear that the re-election principals, mean that Democracy is tainted by Short or Medium termisim, that results in the inability to deal with major crises efficiently{for example Global Warming and the oncoming Petrochemical crisis}!. Although capitalism's nature of 'looking out for No!.1' seems to fit in with most people's ideals!.

I don't think we've developed or theorised a successful form of Governance yet!. So you should all petition for me to be made World Dictator for Life and I guarantee a better lifestyle (for me!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com