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Position:Home>History> Can u tell me the economic state of venice italy in the early and late 1800'

Question: Can u tell me the economic state of venice italy in the early and late 1800's!?!? and more!?!?
Can u tell me the economic state of venice italy in the early and late 1800's!?!? and how the orphanges were like!?!? who was ruling by that time!?!? and did venice italy face any problems!?!? what was italy popular for!? how did they treat kids in orphanages!? thx a bunch!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To be honest with you, Italy and Venice weren't a unified state then like they are today back then!. Venice, in the context you're referring to it, was much like Italy, though!.
Italy was mainly farmland!. Of course the Vatican was in full swing!.
Orphanages were probably very insignificant and most likely rare!. Children were useful for farming and would likely be kept around and/or adopted by another family before they would be sent to an orphanage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com