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Position:Home>History> Where can i find like old jewlery?

Question: Where can i find like old jewlery!?
like jewlery from the 1800's or even coins or pendents !?
im really into history and i love jewlery from even back when there were pharohs and when there were queens in the 1600's in england
where can i find i tems like these!?
i am mostlikely gonna b e an archeiologist when i grow up so i would love to have stuff like this now

thanks !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you can find old jewellery in markets but it's going to be costume jewellery and not silver/gold/ actual stones!. you can probably get things from about the thirties!.

if you want older/ better you'll need to go to specialist stores/ antique stores/ auctions and they'll be pretty expensive!.

beware of buying coins/ pendants/ jewellery on ebay that's advertised as being from a certain era!. most of the coins on ebay are fake, you'll need to make sure you get a certificate with the item or at the very least check out user credentials!.

i'd say you'd care about the actual date if you want to be an archaeologist but some of the cheaper fakes on ebay are really convincing and very pretty anyway!.

check this out for a reference base:


you should check out garage sales!. some people sell things they find in their attics for nearly nothing and it could be something from like the early 1900's or even 1800's!. hope that helps you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
