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Position:Home>History> I need help. If you have any info on the coin described below, please tell me wh

Question: I need help!. If you have any info on the coin described below, please tell me where you got it from!!?
On what I think is the front, this small gold coin has a picture of a tree!. The regular kind of tree that a kid would draw!.!.!. common!? On the back is a picture of hills in a sunset!.
On the tree side, what I can make out enscribed around the picture (it's round) says:
"Libre C~~sca* Fecundo !. CR!. M !. 21 Q"
on the left side of the tree it says either 1!., or I!.!. On the right, it has an E!.!.
On the sunset side, around it is enscribed,
"Republica Del Cen(i or t)ro De Amer !. 1844"

What I can see is that it's an 1844 gold coin, I would imagine it's from Central America, and it's either a rare edition, or uncommon, because I can't find a search topic for it anywhere!.

Please help me if you find anything on this, and show me the website so I can get further information!. I would really like to know!


* Each '~' stands for a letter that I cannot make out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Got it!.!.!.this better be worth 10 points ;)
