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Question: Project Topic Help! 10 Points for Best Answer!!?
I'm doing a project for school!. It has to center on one person (so not a group of people) who made an impact in history!. I'd like to do Lewis Hines, the photographer who took pictures of child labor and helped to end it through his dramatic photographs, but it's already taken by another student!. It can't be anyone common: no presidents, no well-known inventors or abolitionists, etc!. It needs to be someone more unknown who had a big impact!. Please leave as many answers as possible, I need all I can get!. I've been brainstorming for hours but haven't come up with anything great, so good luck!!

Thank you!! =) Best answer gets 10 points!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Raoul Wallenberg:
He is a lesser known Holocaust hero!. It is unknown exactly how many Jews he saved, but being a Swedish Diplomat, he issued Jews fake passports which stated they were Swedes awaiting repatriation!. He also bribed Nazi officials to leave the Jews alone!. His work was most predominant in Hungary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like to nominate Scottish scientist Sir Alexander Fleming, as his discovery of penicilin in 1928 has saved millions of lives since!.!.!.

I guess a bit of credit goes to Howard Walter Florey, the Austrian scientist who figured out how to use it as a medicine!.

Either one - they both contributed a great deal to history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like to say the Irish Doctor Thomas John Barnado, he founded the Barnados Childrens Charity in 1866!. He is responsible for helping orphaned children and children that had suffered from cholera that had outbreaked round that time!.
Today his charity is still running helping to save young children
who are stuck on the streets and rescue them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I vote for Jane Addams, who "invented" the settlement house concept in the US (now really a community center)!. She was upper class, and was moved by the lack of services for lower class families!. She was awesome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think about it!.!.!.all through History there were millions of them from all over the world!. thr "Common Man"!. Joe the shoemaker , for if it weren't for his craftmanship we would have all gone shoeless!. Sarah , the seamstress, if she didn't know how to sew we's all be living in a naked world!.Tom , the typesetter , had he never set type what would there be to read!? Bob the laborer , had he never dug a ditch we would all be living in caves or, worse, in the open!.Zach, the sailor , had he never wanted to sail the oceans we would never hav the chance to expeience all the different foods or cultures in the world!. Sven, the mountain climber, if he had never wanted to climb that peak to see the other side , where would we all be!?
But of all the "Common Man" if it were not for the "Children",
who have the biggest imaginations of all , where would we all be!? For the "Children" , are the greatest inventors of all!. hey may only be thinking of it as playing , but in them many inventions more than any have become a reality!.A "rock' became a ball, a 'leaf' became a airplane!. A "mudpie" became a delicious meal!. Some "cloth" used to play dress up became the world's design of the year!. A "stone" that could make a mark , became a pencil or ballpoint pen!. Most of all, a "dream" in a child's nightime wish the first computer !. The lsit goes on , for if it weren't for the children in this world and his or her imagination , we would all be riding around in horse carriages or better yet walking!.
Look at the children and the games they make up , you will find a future inventor amongst them!.
Ask , your parents, what did they invent when they were kids!?Www@QuestionHome@Com