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Position:Home>History> Have there been real instances of one army stealing and brainwashing another'

Question: Have there been real instances of one army stealing and brainwashing another's soldiers to fight!?
Like let's say you're in Iraq, and you get captured, and somehow the Iraqis have some sort of brainwash machine and before you know it you're out shooting at an American humvee, have there been any real instances of something like that before!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Isn't is happening right now in Sudan!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I don't know about brainwashing in this instance but Hitler recruited POW's to fight in foreign legions!.They usually were used on the Russian front!. And it is fact the North Koreans and Red Chinese brainwashed American POW's during the Korean War!. I don't know of any fighting for them!. In the American Civil War confederate prisoners were recruited to fight Indians, not the south!. These were known as galvanized Yankees!. Just a few examples!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe but I don't think it would work, if you where brainwashed once you see Americans it will create flashbacks and you will probably shoot the Iraqis to get to freedom!.

Americans and Iraqis are being used as an example hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

Way before your time, but Patty Hearst was captured by the SLA (Symbionese Liberation Army) a terrorist group, and made to fight for them - her father was a multi-billionaire, head of Hearst newspapers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com