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Position:Home>History> Where was the plane that first crashed on 9.11 heading?

Question: Where was the plane that first crashed on 9!.11 heading!?
I have to write a story about 9!.11 and we have to find info any where we can on our topics!. This isn't cheating just so ya know!. Please help!.!.!.!.a website that tells me is fine too if you want to make me work!. Thanks soooo muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
American Airlines Flight 11 was a scheduled U!.S!. domestic passenger flight from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles International Airport!. It was hijacked by five men and deliberately crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City as part of the September 11, 2001, attacks!. Fifteen minutes into the flight, the hijackers injured at least three people, forcefully breached the cockpit, and overpowered the pilot and first officer!. Mohamed Atta, who was a known member of al-Qaeda, and trained as a pilot, took over the controls!. Air traffic controllers noticed the flight was in distress when the crew stopped responding to them!. They realized the flight had been hijacked when Atta mistakenly transmitted announcements to air traffic control!. On board, two flight attendants contacted American Airlines, and provided information about the hijackers and injuries to passengers and crew!.

The second site below is a timeline of events of that day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was headed to Los Angeles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was heading to LA!.

Hey I like the way you work M&M!Www@QuestionHome@Com

to the crash sightWww@QuestionHome@Com

No one knows for sure because the official explanations for 9/11 are not credible!.

I would not be suprised to learn that it was headed for the third tower, WTC7!. Why else would the criminals pre-wire that building with explosives!.

Some food for your story:-

At the very least, there was a conspiracy by criminal elements inside the government to sabotage normal protocols that would have resulted in interception of the planes had the government done absolutely nothing!. The evidence for that is overwhelming for anyone not afraid to look at it!. Many people are too afraid to consider the possibility!.

That itself amounts to high treason and complicity to commit mass murder!. It doesn't matter if the criminals were involved above and beyond that!. Likely the criminals will never see justice!. What is important now is how the 9/11 attacks are being exploited to continue the gradual dismantling of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the creation of a surveillance state in America!.

For a deeper understanding I recommend you watch Mike Rupperts 9/11 films!. The first one (2 hours) discusses potential geopolitical incentives for 9/11, criminality in government (both current and historical)!. It also touches on the evidence for complicity by people in the government and the exploitation of 9/11 to undermine the Constitution!.

The Truth & Lies Of 9/11

The film does connect the dots at the end (very briefly) as to the ultimate agenda being global government!. It ends shortly after that without going into detail about global government!. I mention that because if you miss that part you might be misled to believe Ruppert's message to mean the wars are merely about peak oil!.

The second film (one hour) is more focused on the evidence for complicity!.

Mike Ruppert Speech

Note that Mike Ruppert's films pre-date senate bill 1959 (soon to be voted on)!. In terms 9/11 exploitation to assault the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Patriot Act looks like a picnic standing beside S!. 1959!. The language of S!. 1959 is wide open to interpretation and it could easily be used as an excuse to criminalize political dissent and free speech in America!. It also gives the government the right to monitor all of our internet activities!.

also research the neocon think Project for a New American Century!. Read its manifesto!. Learn who the players and their positions in and connections to the Bush Administration!. Learn how the think tank Council on Foreign Relations effective controls our foreign policy!. Learn of the CFR's agenda for global government!.

For a full understanding of 9/11, it is very important to know the flaws of the 9/11 Commission and its investigation!. See the speeches of David Ray Griffin, both at Google Video:-


Don't buy the myth that is just kids, kooks, and hippies questioning the official account of 9/11!. There are high profile people questioning 9/11!. See this list for a sampling:-

Patriots Question 9/11

Even some 9/11 Commissioners have spoken publicly about obstruction to their investigation!. Surprisingly, that story was covered by main stream media (a rarity for anything that questions the official account of 9/11)!. See:-


If you do your own research, be careful!. Government disinformation sites exist all over the web, designed to throw you off the trail!. They discredit truth seeking by putting out ridiculous theories that are easily debunked (e!.g!. the "no planes theory" )!. There are paid agents all over the web posting as users in forums like this one!. Some of my Yahoo contacts discussed that issue recently, in this question:-


For online 9/11 research, you might start with this well-sourced site!. Be sure to read their "About" page to learn who is presenting the information for you!.

That site has a mirror backup 911research!.com!. I believe the mirror backup is not always kept current with the site first linked!.

It is important to learn about the role of the corporate controlled main stream media in the 9/11 coverup!. That is too large a question to answer here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com