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Position:Home>History> Guns, germs and steel, by jared diamond?

Question: Guns, germs and steel, by jared diamond!?
I have a couple questions, please help me!.
This is on Chapter 10, spacious skies and tilted axies!.
I did read it by the way, i just didn't quite understand it!.

1!. Why did crops and animals diffuseless quickly and easily through the Americas and Africas!.

2!. Describe the challenges that climate poses in relation to the spread of crops and animals!.

thanks so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The crops & animals diffused less quickly mainly because of N-S!. In the Asian steppes; climates were similar and the same variety of Oats could be grown in China and Hungary!.

Even in Europe, crops moved slowly N-S; changes in Sunlights, temperature, moisture; made crops get to England slowly!.

In Africa specifically, the Tropics harbor the tsetse fly, which kills cattle & other livestock!.

In the Americas, most animals couldn't pass through the jungles of panama or the high mountains!. So as he gives the example, only a few hundred miles separated the Llama from the wheel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Obviously, you didn't read it!. Plants and animals did not diffuse quickly and easily over the Americas and Africa!. The equator stops most plants from above or below from crossing, because of the lack of seasons there!.
Most crops REQUIRE a change of seasons to thrive!.
In Africa, tse tse flies stopped animals like cattle and horses from going south!. In the America's, it was the jungle in Panama!.Www@QuestionHome@Com