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Position:Home>History> Historical thinking please help me thank you?

Question: Historical thinking please help me thank you!?
2)!.the last major conflict between the us army and native americans took place at
a the little bighorn
b the rosebud
c sand creek
d wounded knee

3) farmers on the great plains were added by
a dry farming
b the windmill
c barbed wire
d all of these

4) in 1864, colorado militia led by colonel john chivington killed over 100 native american men, women and children in a cheyenne village at
a the little bighorn
b the rosebud
c sand creek
d wounded knee

5) the interstate commerce act was originally intended to regulate what industary!?
a steel
b railroads
c mining
d oil

6) the bessemer process improved the manufacture of
a steel
b oil
c textile
d shoes

7) in 1890, the us censusbureau announced the end of
a homesteading
b indian reservations
c the froniter
d the industreal revolution

8) the new immigration of the late 1800 consisted of
a people with differ!. religions
b people who could not speak english
c people from south & east europe
d all of theseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
2!. The Wounded Knee Massacre
3!. All of these!.
4!. The Sand Creek Massacre
5!. Railroads
6!. Steel
7!. Frontier
8!. All of theseWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am bored so I will do it for you!. Wounded Knee,all of these,Sand Creek,railroads,steel, the frontier, all of these!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
