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Position:Home>History> Why did France (16th centruy) explore/trade outside their own country?

Question: Why did France (16th centruy) explore/trade outside their own country!?
describe 3 or 4 reasons why the French explored and traded outside France in the 16th century!.
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Like explorers from other European nations of the time, France's early explorers were looking for a "northwest passage," a route between Europe and Asia!. Jacques Cartier was charged by French king Francis I with the mission to discover "lands where it is said there are great quantities of gold and other riches" along with finding the route to Asia!.

Even after the existence of the Americas was proven to Europeans, successive explorers continued to search for a passage, while others sought profit in trade!. Population growth and urbanization provided a ready market for fish from the New World!. Fishermen flocked to the rich fishing grounds discovered off Newfoundland for cod, a fish easily preserved and transported to Europe!.

In the meantime, broad-brimmed felt hats made from beaver pelts became the fashion for men in European salons at the end of the 16th century!. Fur traders traveled throughout the Great Lakes region and New France collecting a variety of furs, but especially beaver!.

As the 16th century closed, the wars of religion in Europe came to an end!. The new peace triggered interest in overseas investments, including profits possible through the creation and development of colonies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was good for them!.

The earliest fur traders in North America were French explorers and fishermen who arrived in what is now Eastern Canada during the early 1500's!.

Trade started after the French offered the Indians kettles, knives, and other gifts as a means to establish friendly relations!. The Indians, in turn, gave pelts to the French!.

In 1608, the French explorer Samuel de Champlain established a trading post on the site of the present-day city Quebec!. The city became fur-trading center!. The French expanded their trading activities along the St!. Lawrence River and around the Great Lakes!. They eventually controlled most of the early fur trade in what became Canada!. The French traders obtained furs from the Huron Indians and, later, from the Ottawa!. These tribes were not trappers, but they acquired the furs from other Indians!. The French also developed the fur trade along the Mississippi River!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French simply knew the bounties of the New World and wanted to exploit what they could!. After all French settlements would provide work for their citizens and plenty of revenue for the state with of course the added bonus of overseas territorial expansion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were no different than most other European nations of that time!. Portugal, Spain, Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark and, briefly, Sweden, were involved in exploration and colonization!. Trade and profit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To get

2!.Natural Resource
4!.Pride!. Bigger their country becomes, better they feltWww@QuestionHome@Com