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Position:Home>History> Whats the influence of the Colosseum in Rome on other civilizations?

Question: Whats the influence of the Colosseum in Rome on other civilizations!?
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Hi, i′m a brazilian teacher of history!. My english is very poor, sorry about that, but i will try!.
The Colosseum had little influence in the other civilizations if you look this case about a angle pratical, but if you look on through a POLITIC ANGLE the Colosseum had the BIG IMPACT!.
Colusseum start the politic of the BREAD AND CIRCUS in LARGE SCALE bigest show in ancient times, lions, cristians, gladietors, fights, blood, and the people happy!. This politic do people LOOK AWAY OF BAD POLITICS FACTS, how war loses, crisis in senate, corruption of the publics mans, hungry os people, unemployment, in short, the caos!. If we transposition that politic for modern time we find, principal in the poor countrys, novels, soccer, fights, shows, television, big stadiums!.!.!.bread and circus!.!.!.
Hope i help you
PS: If somebody want help-me about pratice my english, contact-me for my mail and, one more time, sorry about my poor english!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really very little!. The Colosseum was merely a building for games!. It follwed the ovoid shape of similar buildings elsewhere in Rome and the Empire, but was just much bigger!. Its name has become an epithet for any thing very big - 'colossal' - and used by people such as theatre and cinema entrepreneurs who want to impress and hence call their building 'The Lodon Colosseum' - or similar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe other civilizations fighting the Romans would have known of the horrors of the Colosseum and fought all the harder so they weren't captured and used as food for the lions!? :PWww@QuestionHome@Com