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Position:Home>History> Am i a millionaire? or at least a thousandaire? please help?

Question: Am i a millionaire!? or at least a thousandaire!? please help!?
i was going through my attic, and i found this college year book from 1924!. and in it there was this stock (from 1944) for th "Oklahoma Livestock marketing Association" its just one share!. here is what it says exactly:

"Incorporated under the laws of the state of delaware CAPITAL $25,000

this is to certify that: (owner name not legible) is the owner of one share of the common stock of the oklahoma livestock marketing association!.

and other stuff like this!. is it worth anything!? or just a worthless piece of paper!? please help!. or tell me where i can find info about it

thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
An old stock or bond certificate may still be valuable even if it no longer trades under the name printed on the certificate!. The company may have merged with another company or simply changed its name!. Even if you learn that a certificate has no value, you may find that the certificate itself has value as a collectable!.
Scripophily!.com is a site that will research the value of a stock certificate or bond - the payment of a fee is required!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If that company is still around!.!.!.then I believe it is worth something!.!.!.but your not the stock holder!.!.!.so I don't think it'll be worth much to you!. Maybe it is!.!.!.try to figure out the name!.!.!.maybe take it to a historian or something!.!.!.find the person or relative!.!.!.maybe they can claim it and give you a piece for finding it!. That doesn't sound good though!. I'm not helping much, am I!? Oh well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As far as I know, as long as you physically hold onto the stock certificate, it is yours!.

As to whether it is worth anything, I don't know, i agree with the people who say take it to a historian!. They may be able to help you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe unless that name is yours you are out of luck!. But I would start making phone calls and getting info!. I hope it is good!. Best of luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you can take it to a bank a that it is registered for and ask then if you are able to cash out the stock c:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Looks like it's essentially a membership card, but I would call them and ask to see if it's of historical value!.Www@QuestionHome@Com