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Position:Home>History> Discuss all the causes of the American Revolution including the long term causes

Question: Discuss all the causes of the American Revolution including the long term causes and the short term causes!?
i need to write 10 paragraphs =[!.!.!. help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Simple!.!.!. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!.!.!. which is EXACTLY what they were chanting as they tossed the boxes of tea into the harbor!.

I don't think you have a CLUE about the AmeriKan Revolution!.!.!. because you asked an EXTREMELY COMPLEX question that nobody who had actually DONE THE SCHOOL WORK and READ THE BOOKS would ask!.!. because they would KNOW how extensive the answer is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


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Look into the affects of the French and Indian War on the American colonists!. Specifically, look at how much the war cost the colonists, what they did not receive in return for their service (expansion into the Ohio River Valley), and the economic impact the colonists' debt had on the political relations between the colonists and the British!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm your teacher and I'm on to you!. This was not what I meant when I said 'research the topic' :pWww@QuestionHome@Com