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Question: Russian Revolution 1905 (Nationalism, Industrialisation)!?
Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone had an idea of how Industrialisation, or Nationalism fits into the 1905 Russian Revolution!.

Basically i want to know how these key issues fit into the events of 1905 in Russia!.

For example: Did nationalism become realised during the 1905 revolution!?
Did Industrialisation play a key role in influencing the Russian People in Revolution!?
When did Nationalism in Russia become a key issue!?

Additionally if anyone has any helpful information or resources (besides wiki) on the subject of the 1905 Revolution, please dont hesitate to share them :)

Thanks for posting !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The 1905 Russian Revolution had nothing to de with Lenin or the Bolsheviks - they were still mosdtly in Exile and squabbling with each other!.

The revolution was about Nationalism, it was about the military failure in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904,!. It was also about Industrialisation, because the cities were expanding, industry was creating a working class that was badly paid, poorly housed, hungry and poor!.

Nationalism in Russia only realy becomes an issue after emancipation in 1863 - this is because the serfs, the majority of the population - were loyal to the Tsar, to their lords and to their village before then,


Nationalism came as a result of the conquest of Napoleon's forces!. To gather more troops he spoke "fight for your country rather than yourselves" This Nationalist belief eventually hit Russia, then controlled by the Tsar!.

Lenin took these beliefs to spread the Bolshevik revolt against the Tsar!. 1905 is a little early, but during WWI when Russia was losing he said (paraphrasing of course), "why should we fight for this dictator when he spoils in riches while we live in filth!. The helped spark the revolution

Industrialization came more as a result of Stalin 5-year-plansWww@QuestionHome@Com