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Position:Home>History> William Dietrich or William Napier?

Question: William Dietrich or William Napier!?
I'm a great fan of Bernard Cornwell but now I'd like to read something on Attila the Hun!. I'm looking for a kind of historical fiction that is historically well-researched (just like Cornwell's books)!. I have two possible candidates: William Dietrich and William Napier!. Which one should I opt for!? Could you please explain your choice! Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fiction About Attila the Hun
The Scourge of God by William Dietrich!. A Roman citizen, Jonas, becomes a hostage of the Huns, and learns that Attila intends to conquer Rome!.

Attila: The Scourge of God by Ross Laidlaw!. The story of Flavius Aetius, the last great Roman general, and of his friend who became an enemy: Attila, King of the Huns!.

The Sword of Attila: A Novel of the Last Years of Rome by Michael Curtis Ford!. Only one man has the power to preserve Rome from destruction, but first he must overcome the Sword of Attila!.

The Darkness and the Dawn by Thomas B!. Costain!. A popular novel from 1959!. Out of print, but available from Alibris!.

Slave of the Huns by Geza Gardonyi!. A classic 1902 Hungarian novel about a Greek slave in Attila's camp!. From Alibris!.

The Nibelungenlied translated by A!.T!. Hatto!. Attila the Hun (here called Etzel) is a character in this great German epic poem of murder and revenge, written around 1200 by an unknown author!.Www@QuestionHome@Com