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Position:Home>History> Please answer....about JESUS?

Question: Please answer!.!.!.!.about JESUS!?
1!. The mystery of his becoming a human!?
2!. Place where he grew up!?
3!. Language!?
4!. Tribe, which he belongs!?
5!. Judean King at the time of his birth!?
6!. First Visitor!?
7!. 3 wise men who visited him!?
8!. Reason why the king wanted to know his place of birth!?
9!. Prophet who prophesied his birth!?
10!. Evangelists who wrote the infancy narrative!?
11!. Age when he was baptized!?
12!. Three symbolic things that happened during his baptism!?
13!. Mission!?
14!. Age when he started his public ministry!?
15!. Type of stories he used to present his message!?
16!. Place where he stared his public ministry(town)!?
17!. Jewish accusation which led to his death!?
18!. Charge for which the roman governor condemned him to death!?
19!. High priest who condemned his death!?
20!. Roman governor who signed his death sentence!?
21!. Prisoner who was released in place of him!?
22!. Notice written and fastened on his cross!?
23!. Tomb!?
24!. 3women who first visited his tomb!?
25!.memorial of his love for us wherein we repeat his passion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Born in Bethlehem!. His Mum was Mary, she was sixteen and Dad was God!.
2!. Nazareth, a small town near Galilee
3!. Aramaic
4!. Jewish
5!. Herod
6!. Shpeards i think
7!. 3 Wise Men thats all we know ( i think )
8!. They all said Jesus was going to be the new King, so King Herod wanted to find where he was so he could kill him!. He felt threatened because Jesus was to be king instead of him!. Basically he wanted Jesus killed!.
9!. Dont know sorry
10!. Matthew Mark Luke John i think
11!. 30
12!. 1!. When Jesus came out of the water, a dove ascended from heaven!. 2!. God said, "This is my son, with whom I am well pleased!.
13!. The King James Bible says his mission was to seek and to save sinners, and to give His life to pay for their sins!.
14!. Very young
15!. Parables
16!. A wedding!. They didnt order enough wine so Jesus turned some water into wine!. He was about 8
17!. People thought he was a threat to people
20!. Pontius Pilate
21!. A theive
22!. This is Jesus, King of the Jews
23!. What about it!.!.!.!?
24!. Salome, Mary Magdelene, Mary mother of James or Joseph i think
25!. The Holy Spirit, Gospels, When he rose again, Bible!.
Hope I've helped, did the best I could :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may find answers to your questions on thywordistruth!.org!.
By the way, as for where He was brought up, there can be no mistake about it, He was brought up in Nazareth!. Luke 4:16, "And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

People - HELP this dude, any way you can!

Heard recently there was a Christian who tried to get refugee status, on claim he was persecuted for being a Christian!.!.!.court ended up sending him back to China from North America, because he couldn't answer questions about Christianity!. Is he in the same boat!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

2!. Nazareth
3!. Aramaic or Hebrew
5!. King Herod
6!. three wise men!?
7!. Balthasar, Gaspar , and Melchior
8!. He did not want to be overthrown by Jesus (the King of the Jews)!.
9!. Micah!?
19/20!. Pilate!?
I'm lazy to finish it!. READ THE BIBLE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think jesus was a cult think about it if some nutter walked up to you and said im the son of god and i have come to save you from your sins you would be scared!.!.!.!. Jesus is a con man an attension seeker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a question more suited for religion or philosophy category!.

It's also 25 questions, some of which require elaborate answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read the review on wikipediaWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. Your questions have already been answered - in the bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are those 25 reasons you are too lazy to do your own research!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

my frend the bible has all the answers!. just gotta readWww@QuestionHome@Com