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Question: World wars!?!?
i m 14 and i want to know the following things because i dont know anything about them:
1!.Where there like 2 teams against the other!?
2!.What were the reasons for them to begin!?
3!.Who won!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Haha!.!.!. oh geez, this is going to take a while!.!.!.

Ok World War I was fought from 1914-1918 against the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire) and the Triple Entente (France, United Kingdom, Russia, and later the US)!. Basically, the cause for this war was pride!. Austria-Hungary had taken over a smaller country (Serbia I think)!. They had a royal prince go on a parade through one of the cities, and a young Serbian rebel (Gavrilo Princip) shot and killed him!. Thus, Austria-Hungary declared on the rest of Serbia (basically), Germany was their ally so they backed them up, France and Russia tried to stand against Germany, and the world was in chaos for 5 years!. The overall result was an Allied victory (Triple Entente), but it was technically a stalemate!.!.!. both sides pretty much ran out of men!.

World War II is much more complicated!.

Basically it goes like this!.
Germany was mad they lost WWI, and the Allies forced them to pay for all the war damages they caused!. Hitler came to power promising to restore Germany's honor!. He began to take over some smaller countries in Central Europe, before he finally got too greedy and invaded Poland (a bigger country)!. France and the UK declared war on Germany because of this, and WWII started in Europe!. Germany was winning for the first few years, they took out Poland and France and the rest of Europe!. They invaded the Soviet Union and fought them for 4 years tooth and nail (the bloodiest front in human history was Germany and the Soviets on the Eastern front!.!.!. 4 of the bloodiest 5 battles in history took place between these 2 giants)!.

Japan, on the otherhand, wanted to make an empire of its own!. They were fighting China for a while, then the US cut off their oil supply, and Japan declared war on the US by bombing Pearl Harbor, and it quickly grabbed resource rich areas in the Pacific!. Eventually, the US defeated the Japanese navy and nuked the country, and Japan surrendered!.

In Europe, the Soviets beat the Germans on the East Front, and the Americans and British landed in France and pushed into Germany from the West!. Germany was surrounded from all sides and went down relatively quickly!. And World War II was over!.

EDIT: Here's a list of the 2 sides (roughly) during World War 2!.

The Axis:
some smaller countries

The Allies
United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Soviet Union
some smaller countries

The Allies won!.

That is the briefest explanation I could possible give, haha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where do you people get this idea the WORLD WARS were some kind of GAME where there were TEAMS!? THOSE WERE WARS!.!.!. where PEOPLE DIED!.!.!. they were NOT SOME STUPID GAME!.!.!.

Don't they even TEACH about the World Wars in school these days!? What you are asking is the subject of an entire SEMESTER and not something that is a GAME and has easy, one sentence answers!.

You need to get AND READ some of the THOUSANDS of BOOKS on the First and Second World wars!.!.!. and then, maybe you won't think of them as some sort of stupid GAME where TEAMS play 'war'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

also, after WWII came the rise of Socialism, (Communism) to the world!. This lead to the Cold War, Korea and Vietnam, and many others to keep Socialism from spreading, but thats another question for another dayWww@QuestionHome@Com

I cannot understand why anybody would ask such a question here when there are volumes of on line reference available!.
Try Wikipedia to start: