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Position:Home>History> History nuts, first one to get 4 of these 6 questions from the early 20th center

Question: History nuts, first one to get 4 of these 6 questions from the early 20th centery correct, wins the 10 points!.
American history 101: I assure you the things I am questioning you about were every day events and things that our grandparents and great grandparents here in America had a common knowledge of!.

1!. What was the tallest building (not structure, building) in the world in 1926!?

2!. In the very early 1900,s there was a product called the Whirlwind, what was it!?

3!. What was a Partin Palmer!?

4!. What was a Yankee Ratchet!?

5!. Remember the Erector sets of the 50's and 60's!? In the early 1900's they were called something else, what was the name!?

6!. In the early 1900's Anheuser-Busch had another name for their most famous beer that we know today as; Budweiser, what was the name of this beer!? For an extra point it was not called beer it was called something else!. Get the right answer and you get another point!.

For an extra point and a chance to win: 7!. What is the Benjamin 92!?

I will give the 10 points and sources to the answers!. If only 3 are answered correctly then that first person wins!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Woolworth Building

2!. A vacuum cleaner!?

3!. A horseless carriage of the early motoring years

4!. A brand of hand tools

5!. Mysto Erector Structural Steel Builder

6!. Budweiser Budvar

7!. An airplane!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope I can get the answers right, if not it was fun doing this!.

1) Southwestern bell building- is 28 stories tall, built in St!. louis!. missouri
3) was a American Era Automoble Company,based in Chicago!.They basically produced watercooled 4 cylinder engines!.
4)they are basically screwdrivers or a piece of tool
5) A!. C Gilbert Erectors
6 ) In 1852 it was called Bavarian Brewery then renamed
Eberhard Anheuser & Co!. in 1860!.
7) the only thing I can think it could be is a gun!.

I hope I came close, if not it was fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Woolworth Building
2!. An air cooled engine
3!. A car
4!. A screwdriver
5!. Mysto Erector Structural Steel Builde
6!.1876 - Budweiser introduced--Their website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, i cheated just a bit!. I asked my grandpa (who at age 73 is a wonderful and veritable font of useless knowledge) what he could remember!.!.!.

1: the Chrysler Building in NYC, until 1931 (and to date, it's still the tallest brick building in the world)!.
2: the Wright Whirlwind J-5 (an aircraft engine from 1929)!.
3: an old touring sedan from 1914!.
4: a 1920's ratchet screwdriver
5: !? (he didn't remember, and they were a bit before my time)
6: it was known as Budweiser Lager Beer, from 1876 until the early 1900's!.

(i remembered # 1 from the Guiness Book years ago!.!.!. don't know why it stayed with me!.!.!.

#6 I know because the Budweiser Brewery is right down the road from me!. I took the tour a few years ago!. To this day, I can't stand the smell - the hops and yeast smells like peanut butter and chlorine!. GROSS!!)Www@QuestionHome@Com