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Position:Home>History> 9/11 an inside job? NO WAY?

Question: 9/11 an inside job!? NO WAY!?
Isnt this america!? DOnt I have a right to ask a couple questions!? Everytime I say anything about 9/11 people call me a loon or crazy or stupid or whatever!. But I call teh people that dont ask questions, that take the bull in stride!. Now call me crazy but when a plane crashes isnt there wreckage!? When the space shuttle blow up there was wreckage was there not!? Where is the plane in Washington or in penn!? im not a genis but stuff doesnt blow disapear in thin air!. Plus why were there pods on those planes!? Yes there was something on the bottom on the trade center planes!. Just google 9/11 ripple effect and you can see the whole thing!. Plus WTC7!. Why did that fall!? was it hit by a plane!? It collasped in on itself like a demoliton,again just google 9/11 ripple effect,and where is the plane in the pentagon!? ANd besides IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for a boeing 757 to fit in a 16 foot hole!. A missle can but not a beoing!.

I beg you just one time watch this movie

9/11 ripple effect google it pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're not called a loon or crazy because you ask questions!. But conspiracy theorists are infamous for not accepting the answers they are given, if those answers contradict their pet theory!. There WAS debris left in the Pentagon, not a lot, but its there!. An aluminum tube flying at nearly 500mph doesn't leave a whole lot of intact pieces!. On the other hand, we have a bit more of the WTC planes, given that they hit at lower speeds and against a more yielding target!. You just have to do the research to find out the information!. WTC 7 fell because of the damage to one side and its supports, and the fires that raged for several hours after the damage was inflicted!. And for the 2048th time, objects fall DOWNWARDS!. Gravity dictates the direction of the fall, unless there is a significant lateral force to force the building over sideways!. All basic physics!. And no, its not impossible for the 757 to "fit in" the hole!. Why use planes in one attack, pretend planes were used in the Pentagon, but not actually USE a plane!? what sort of morons are the conspirators to have done so!? So sorry, I've examined the so called evidence, as well as the counterpoints to the argument!. And franklly, I see more political motivation on the C!.T!.er's parts for holding onto their beliefs than I do any plausible explanations, much less supporting proof!. If and when you come up with said evidence, let us know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How do you know these things are impossible!? Are you a master of physics and chemistry!? The problem with all these conspiracy theories is that I have to believe that you, someone who has not mastered punctuation, fully grasps the chemical and physical changes that occur when planes and structures collide!.

Y'all are like armchair quarterbacks only so much more so out of your element!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am sorry but it IS crazy to think the Gov't had anything to do with this!. There is NO evidence to support this other than heresay or wow look somebody can fold a 20 dollar bill to look like the twin towers burning!. It was Muslim extremism - end of story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting theories!. I think they are possible!. I don't trust anything the government tells us anymore!. Mark this one along with JFK as one of the great unsolved mysteries!. Someone knows the truth but their not talking because they are fearful for their lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes ur right!. It was but what can we do!?

the governement for whatever reason did this and we have a duty to do something but cry and whineWww@QuestionHome@Com

9/11 was an inside job


yeah idk!. i forget who said it but the world is ****** and we just need to "not care"!.!.!. cant do anything anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

planes are made of aluminum

aluminum melts at 1200 degrees!.

jetfuel burns at 2000+ degrees!. make sense!.

and if you ask why wasnt there any aluminum or not as much as a plane!. well aluminum oxidizes!. which is probably why there was molten metal there!.

and to your penegon question!. well watch this!.


and i already watched 9/11 ripple effect

sgatlant is right!. it was flying past its top speed!. and if you look at demolition videos it alwase collapses and you hear a BANG and just flys out everywhere!. if you look at the towers!. you just see the top part where the planes hit fallWww@QuestionHome@Com

I was doubting what we were told on the day of!. Before all of these on line documentaries came out!. I do believe it was an inside job though!. There was just way to much that didn't add up the way were told!.

It's funny the way that everyone bought all of that!. There's so much that's wrong!. Case in point, jet fuel does not burn fast enough to melt steel!. There have been many planes crashing into many buildings yet these two towers were the only two EVER to collapse like they did!.

One thing I do know for sure, I fought in this war and I can tell you, the Afghans are not smart enough to pull that off the way it happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Consider this: what would happen if it leaked out -as it eventually ALWAYS will- that the US or Israeli governments set up 9/11!. What would they gain, and what would the loose!?
The gain: a reason to invade!. Which they could easily have done without such diabolical scheme!.
The loss: the immediate collapse of the government and likely political disbandment of the parties forming that government!. The arrest of the president, his cabinet, ranking civil servants involved!.

Such action would show that the Republican party is actually far worse than the NSDAP!. Nobody would want to vote for it, or remain member of it

In other words: just apply sheer logic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most interesting part of your question is the beginning, "Isnt this america!? DOnt I have a right to ask a couple questions!? Everytime I say anything about 9/11 people call me a loon or crazy or stupid or whatever!. But I call teh people that dont ask questions, that take the bull in stride!. Now call me crazy but when a plane crashes !. !. !. " The rest is just loony stuff!.

But, with that statement, you treat a venerable, sacred American right as if it were some sort of a chit!. It's like, I have an American right to speak (what you're really talking about is liberty--essentially, the right to speak without fear of repercussion or worse--but, anyway !. !. !. ), therefore there must be some validity to what I say!. But, what you say is patently ridiculous!. It's Trilateral Commission stuff!. Men never landed on the moon stuff!. And, JFK was assassinated by Lyndon Johnson or Mick Jagger or whomever stuff!.

Besides, people of your ilk always set the conspiratorial event in politics or government!. Let's see how it works, for a change, in another discipline!. Say, physics!. Don't I have an absolute right to say that tomorrow the sun will rise in the West!. After all, as you ask, "Isnt this america!?" Does that mean people should take me seriously!?Www@QuestionHome@Com