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Question: Multiple questions for history!?
in the election of 1968
a nixon carried the south
b wallace took enough votes away from humphrey to give nixon the win
c humphrey carried the south
d wallace did not win enough electoral votes to change the outcome

2 the voting rights act of 1965
a provided the opportunity for many to vote who had been denied that right before
b did little to change that practices of many states
c was struck down by the supremem court
d was weak and difficult to enforce

3 in preparation for his reelection Nixon
a had a facelift to make himself look younger
b uncovered proof that McGovern was corrupt
c ordered his supportes to do wverything legally possible to help him win, but some went a little to fat

4 during nixons first term it could be said that
a the nation was compeletly at peace again
b he was more successful in forgein policy than with domestic policy
c there was little he accomplished at all

please help me with me this multiple to get 10 pointsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i'd say
a and more details in yo mailWww@QuestionHome@Com

1-b!. Nixon won Florida, North & South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky!. Wallace took Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Arkansas!. Humphrey took Texas!. Nixon's total victory was only 500,000, but Wallace had over 9,000,000 votes!.

2-a!. This has proven one of the most important pieces of legislation of the 20th century!.

3-c!. The evidence shows that Nixon and his advisors had little concern for the law!. They went much beyond "a little too fat!."

4a!. Vietnam raged, but Nixon began relations with China!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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