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Position:Home>History> Plzzzzzz answersome people think history has nothing to tell but others beleive

Question: Plzzzzzz answersome people think history has nothing to tell but others beleive studing past history help us!?
what do u think,why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
History repeats its self!. So knowing history can help us prevent from making similar mistakes that we have made in the past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hind sight is always 20/20 !. Man needs to study history to stop making the same stupid mistakes , but for most , they will have to make the mistake before they learn , and then some will still not learn , but blame others !.

History should be more about the study of peoples character , than the silly facts , Character and ideals birth nations , and laws , not dates and stupid acts , the government is a huge business in a sense , it's how to run a country like a huge business , but yet each business in this country , does not have the fairness of the constitution , so how can this country be successful !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing is worth studying without comparison!. Human brains cannot work without comparision at all!. Every new concept or invention is also an out come of comparision as need is the mother of all inventions and how will a need arise if there is nothing to compare with!?

And how can anyone compare without past expereinces or knowledge!? History!.

Hence history is the most important!. Need you study psyhcology, science, art, music, behaviour, or name any given stream of education, history of relevant subject is so very essential!. The very reason why it is termed as RE-SEARCH!.



Of course there's the "history repeats itself" answer, which I think most people agree is important, and valuable if we actually listen to it!. But I also feel that studying history can give us a better understanding of people, how they work - reading historical accounts of any sort, some things seem quite foreign, but other things stand out because they're completely recognisable , completely human, and you can easily compare them to people you've known or experiences you've had!. I think if someone studies history thoughtfully and carefully, they can use it to figure out the effects culture and society have on who we are, and which things are 'universally human' - or which elements of society are parallel between our own culture and one of the past!.
I also think knowing about history just helps one to enjoy art, literature, and such better!. Sometimes, say, I'll reread a favourite book, and I'll pick up on a reference to something historical which I didn't understand the first time, and I end up liking it even better!. And I think it's fun to see something from another period and think, what was going on when this was made!? in this place!? in the rest of the world!? And sometimes you come to really interesting conclusions!.
Basically, I've had a lot of experiences where I've said to myself, "This is amazing! And if I didn't understand the history behind it, I wouldn't even know!.!.!." I suppose people feel the same way about chemistry, or whatever they're passionate about; so maybe that answer is a bit personal!. But in short, I think knowing some history can definitely give you new ways and new opportunities to appreciate things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Mahdie,
History has lots to tell us, but who's listening!? Two examples are going on right now!. No country has ever won a war in Afganistan or a war against terrorists!. Why are we doing it now!?
We could learn from history that compromise and understanding prevails against terrorism!. Look at the end of terrorism in Northern Ireland!. After nearly a hundred years of killings and bombings, discussion and compromise was the key!.
I fully expect to get bad ratings for this answer due to people who think you CAN fight a war against terrorism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People who think history has nothing to tell are idiots or are so self-absorbed that they simply want to not care!.
There is a ton we can learn from history!.!.!.!.about our own past, about our creation as a nation, about what we have done right and wrong, and how to repeat/not repeat those same actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off if that is your pic!.!.YOUR HOT!!!!.!.!.Second the past is always repeated and the outcome is always the same!.!.not going religion on ya!.!.but the bible states history will repeat itself in some way or form! History is what YOU make it!.!.nothing less! But the man upstairs has his plan, and he is in controll!Www@QuestionHome@Com

confusing question, but i think History is very interesting!. The more you know about History the more you'll know about the future! :)

My Question: http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well if we didnt have history we would have no examples, people could say that communism works great (does in theory) but we know it fails!. Just like our personal history, human history was just a learning experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well considering we would know nothing of what we do know today without there have being a history, then yes i think studying history does help us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

those who ignore their past condemn themselves to not knowing their future!. History is important because it:!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it helps us!. Why!? Because I hope we may one day figure out how to avoid all the mistakes we've made thus far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com