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Position:Home>History> Would you liken Martin McGuiness to Che Guevara?

Question: Would you liken Martin McGuiness to Che Guevara!?
McGuiness was only defending his home of the Bogside in Derry from Loyalist Gangs and the RUC the so called defenders of the people, Guevara was defending the poor from the regime in Cuba!. How was Guevara a revolutionary and McGuiness a Terrorist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Viewpoint is everything!.
If one is a Cuban who fled the Island when Castro took power - Che is nothing more than a Brigand, a bandit and a thug!. Similarly, if one is a Loyalist who was affected by the actions of McGuiness and the IRA, then so is he!.

If, though, you are one of those people who was a supporter of either Che or McGuiness, then they are freedom fighters!.

There are very few absolutes in history!.

McGuiness now has an entirely different role - as a capable politician - and one that works within the existing legislative framework, not outside it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Che Guevara was a brutal thug who, despite any noble intentions, was not adverse to using torture and murder to get what he wanted!. Not a dime's worth of difference between the two, in my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com