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Position:Home>History> Operation Bagration, Eastern front June 1944?

Question: Operation Bagration, Eastern front June 1944!?
Did you know that Operation Bagration on the Eastern front on June 22nd 1944 made D-Day look like an exercise, it consisted of more than 2!.3 Million Soviet troops and started the major push into Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. It was probably the worst defeat Germany suffered in the war, and shortly after it started, the Germans quit sending reinforcements to France!. Every available body was sent east to try and stop the Red Army, so it contributed to the success of Operation Cobra as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it was quite impressive and hats off to the Russian Army of WW2!. However, they didn't have to cross the English Channel first!. Russia couldn't of moved 2 million men across the English Channel!.
Likewise, D-Day would of had a lot more personnel if they were invading from land to land and didn't have to cross a large body of water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Operation Bagration and D-Day were totally different
The unique thing about D-Day was that it was the largest sea borne invasion in history and needed the close co-operation of air force,army and naval forces!.
It was up against a formidable set of defences which the Germans had spent 4 years in perfectingWww@QuestionHome@Com

it didnt, d-day totall overshadowed it!. it was mainly Hitler's stubborn stupidity that prevented him from permitting his field commanders to pull out,, instead being eneveloped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com