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Position:Home>History> Can you please compare and contrast the union and confederate armies of the civi

Question: Can you please compare and contrast the union and confederate armies of the civil war!?!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the broadest possible terms:

The Union Army was larger, and was able to draw on a far larger population for replacements!. The Union Army had better artillery, and was able to manufacture their own artillery!. The Union's forces were made up of a far larger percentage of immigrants, and in general had good junior and mid-level officers, and a lot of rather mediocre top level officers!.

The Confederate army was smaller, had to smuggle most of their artillery pieces into the country from foreign sources, and was amde up very largely of non-immigrant soldiers!. In comparison to the Union, the General rank of the Confederacy was usually significantly superior in training and education!. The South also had better cavalry, possibly because of a greater emphasis upon that branch of arms, and possibly because Southerners grew up in a horse culture and a large percentage of them knew how to ride from an early age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Union were the mayority, the notherns and their posture was pro slavitude, they weren't only the riches they were the people too supporting them, it was like a party, in this case it would be what the republicans are, conservative, they had top of the guns, more soldiers, more resources so in the end they won

the Confderacy were the southerns, liberal, but with only ideals in their mind, they were Much ado about nothing, so they loosed the war, but in the end the ones that had paid for the war were the Union statesWww@QuestionHome@Com


Are you off your rocker!? Prior to the war, 2/3 of the nation's revenue was from the southern states, and after the war, the southern states were completely bankrupted by the destruction visited on them by W!.T!. Sherman, George Stoneman, Phil Sheridan and others!. It was not until the 1960's that the South truly began to recover from the war!. The north did NOT pay for the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Union wore BLUE and the Confederates wore GREY!.!.!. if you need any more of an answer, there are several HUNDRED good books on the subject or you could just GOOGLE it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com