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Position:Home>History> What do you know about russian history?

Question: What do you know about russian history!?
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Russia was the first nation to end capital punishment, and
many credit it as the most important reason for the defeat of Hitler in WWII!.

Few people in the West know much about Russian history!.!.!.!.because it was seriously studied in the West for only a short time!.

The greatest interest was when Russia was the 2nd most powerful country in the world, and during the Cold War!. (1947-1989) But in the start of that (till 1960), it was not studied as much, because those most interested in it were suspected of being Communist!. From about 1980 on, Westerners obsessed themselves with Russian weaknesses; as if all we'd learnt about their great powers and abilities was all wrong!. The task of revision scared off many interested in Russia!.

Hence, the only people knowing much about Russia are those who learnt about it from 1960 - 1980, the later 'boomer' generation!. Let's hope they're able to apply their knowledge, to better understand Russia today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Russia was settled by vikings in the dark ages!. As the Vikings left the people declared an independent nation called Russia (land of the prince in)!. Soon after that the mongols came and occupied Russia!. That remained in place for hundreds of years!. Soon though, a Russian prince rose an army and overthrew the mongols creating a new Russian nation!. Under the famous tzar's rules like Ivan the terrible and peter the great Russia became large and power full!. In 1917 WW1 combined with a cruel government, and failure to reform lead to a revolution and the USSR was born!. The USSR became a world power after the end of ww2 and fought America in the cold war!. Soon however, the USSR collapsed!. Dept, combined with defeat in Afghanistan and many other nations caused political coas and in 1992 a democratic government took power!. It remains that way to this day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Up until the 1910's, they were ruled by the Tsars, which were the Royal family!. The last tsar was a fairly close relative of Queen Vic herself!. They were murdered because of a communist revolution, and the communists fearing they would be forced back into power!. After that Russia became a commie state rules by Stalin and Gorbachev and so on!. In the !960's Gorbachev was involved in a big thing with America of missiles in Cuba!. Which was eventually settled!. From the end of WW! until 1989, The Russians claimed 1/4 of Berlin and Germany!. They erected the Berlin wall, which became the symbol of the Iron Curtain!. All countries lying the east side of it were under Stalin's Control!. Then in 1989 the all was dismantled and in 1992 Communism fell in Russia!. Nowadays it is a big country who like to spy on the English and Americans It has a big tourist industry, especially in Moscow and St!. Petersburg!. People can visit many sights in Russian nowadays including the Kremlin and Lenin's dead body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Under the Tsars, they tried to take over Afghanistan and failed!. They clung to serfdom and were then overcome by 'Communism'!. They then became the Soviet Union, which suffered more civilian deaths during WWII than any other allied country!.
The did not retreat from East Germany after the war and subjected all states to the east, forcing them into the Warsaw Pact (with the exception of Roumania)!.
Invaded (were invited into) Afghanistan in 1979, when the USA and the UK decided to initiate a certain Osama bin Laden into the art of terrorism and guerrilla warfare!.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia became Russia again, but held on to some of the former Soviet Republics, for example Chechnya and Ingushetia!.
Currently ruled by the 'nouveau riche' aka Mafia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From the founding of Kievan Rus' by the Vikings!.

To the Battle on the Ice!.

Through the sacking of Kazan' and the growth of Russia as a multi-cultural, multi-religious empire!.

To the reforms of Alexander

And those of Count Witte

To the 1905 Revolution & Tsar Nicholas

To the March and October Revolutions

And the Bolsheviks

And the whole Soviet period

And the 'Eltsin and Putin eras

And I know a bit about Russian art, language, space programme, military, culture and literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before 1917, Russia was a large, powerful country, ruled by a king called the TSAR!. After 1917, it formed the largest part of the Soviet Union, and people often used the name "Russia" when they meant the whole Soviet Union and its Communist government!. Since 1991, Russia has had a democratic government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This would take pages to explain my friend!.!.!.!.which decade are we talking about!?I could start writing now but I don′t know when I would finish if you aren′t more specific!.!.!.

Have a look in the link for a quick general look

They shot a lot of royal, burned them, buried them, and forced everyone to work for the state!. Oh, and kicked Nazi ****!.

Actually, honest answer, not a lot :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a long path of drinking and killing :)
But people stood up for themselves and for each other!.

srsly, what EXACTLY do you want to know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


they were once a communist stateWww@QuestionHome@Com