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Position:Home>History> Are North and South Korea likely to unite anytime soon?

Question: Are North and South Korea likely to unite anytime soon!?
This peninsula has been divided artificially for about 50 years now!. Any hope of unification!? After all, Germany also got united after about 40 years of separation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Since the Korean War, South Korea and North Korea have went in two opposite directions economically!. While South Korea has developed one of the most advanced economies in the world, North Korea has systematically mismanaged its economy until it can't even feed itself!.

We look at the unification of West Germany and East Germany and we see the major issues when a country with a very strong, modern economy merges with a country with a weak economy that is decades behind in technology and investment!. And, remember, East Germany, prior to its unification with West Germany, had one of the better Communist economies!.

Using the unification of Germany as a mark, North Korea is decades from being where East Germany was when it united with West Germany!. Before South Korea would be able to unite with North Korea, years, perhaps decades, of investment would have to take place in the nation to bring it to a place where unification could take place without turning North Korea into an economic vassal state of South Korea or weaken the South Korean economy to prop up North Korea!.

The economic disparity between the two nations means that unification is probably a decade or two after North Korea politically comes to a point where unification would be possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The situation with Germany was completely different!. North Korea and South Korea were at war (and still technically are at war) and things continue to be very tense between the two!. It is difficult to see any unification any time soon because of the way things are in North Korea!. The best we can hope for is that they can live peacefully side by side!. East and West Germany were only reunited after the fall of the Iron Curtain (after the demise of state Communism in Europe)!. North Korea has close ties to China and with China doing as well as it isn't likely that the political situation is going to change in North Korea any time soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most likely within the next ten years an agreement will be hammered out whereby Kim Il Jong gets that beach house in Bora Bora that he has always wanted and the two Koreas will become one and that is when the leadership of the US of A will truly sh^t a brick!.


As long as North Korea is communit there will be no unification!.

Communism fell in East Germany before it was reunited with the West German country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If North Korea had a leader like Gorbachev or Deng Xiaoping then yeah probably both Koreas will unite!. But Kim Jong-Il is in power!. So I highly doubt they'll unite peacefully anytime soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. One is almost totally free because of Capitalism and the other is a dictatorship with starving people because of Socialism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No - not anytime soon I wouldn't think however the north is slowly relenting by allowing some southern Koreans to visit their rellies in the north!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

North Korea will implode eventuallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

it dosnt look likely rite now, manily cause the leader of nth korea is a nut!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe sometime in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com