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Position:Home>History> Why does the French say Allemagne for the county of Deutschland? Does it have re

Question: Why does the French say Allemagne for the county of Deutschland!? Does it have references to Charlemagne!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No!. It refers to a group of people who lived in that region!. The Alemanni or something!.

hold on lemme find the link of the website where i learned this

edit: here's one of them

edit: and another

*Alemanni was the name of a tribe that lived in the southern part of Germany!. It means "all the men"

i hope i helped!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not only does the phraseless James Dean have the Allemani right, it would be a better question to wonder why we call the Deutsch "German," and the Nederlanders "Dutch!."Www@QuestionHome@Com