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Position:Home>History> Who were the second & third immigrants to come to America?

Question: Who were the second & third immigrants to come to America!?
The first was African Americans, I know Native Americans were already here!. But who were the 2nd & 3rd!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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US immigration is commonly divided up into three or four different periods of history!. Many of these dates are fluid and different historians will bookend these periods differently, but this should be a solid overview!.

The First Wave of US immigration refers to the original European settlement of America beginning in the 17th century!. The majority of these immigrants were from England, but countries such as France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Wales were also well represented!. About 375,000 African were also brought as slaves to the US, the American slave trade officially ended in 1808!. By the end of this period America had well over 1 million residents!.

The Second Wave of US immigration commonly refers to the period between 1820-1870 during which 7!.5 million people immigrated!. Germans made up about a third of the immigrants, Irish another third (spurred by the Potatoe Famine), and the rest came from various Northern and Western European countries!.

The Third Wave of US immigration started in 1880 and lasted until 1920!. It was during this period that the US received its largest number of immigrants, over 23 million!. This period included immigrants from all over the globe!. Many old immigrants (people mentioned earlier) still came to the US, but people from Asia and Southern Europe also came in large numbers!. In 1921 congress passed an act limiting the number of people who could come to the US in any one year, effectively ending bulk immigration into the US!.

Many historians also label a fourth wave of US immigration beginning in 1965 with Congress easing up on the old immigration laws from the 1920's!. This period contains immigrants from all over the globe, but Latin American and Asia make up the bulk of the immigrants!. This period is also marked by large number of illegal immigrants (such a term didn't really even exist until 1921)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Vikings came here first!. (think Leif Erickson)
They were followed several hundred years later by the Spanish!.
Then the English, French, Dutch, and Portuguese followed them!.
Then they figured out that the native peoples of the Americans were dying off from European diseases and couldn't be their slaves anymore, so they brought the Africans over to be slaves!.
Other immigrants started arriving later, like the Germans, Middle Easterners, Russian, Chinese, etc!.

So actually, the Africans were not first!. And they didn't become "African Americans" until after America was established, and not even being known by that term until well into the 1900's when we became politically correct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not sure I'd say the Africans were first!. Being hijacked as slaves to America after 1618 was not quite immigration!. Native Americans - the "Indians" - had migrated from Asia across the land bridge roughly around 10,000 BC!. No humans evolved in the Americas according to current thinking, so all people were from somewhere else!.
The Spanish were the first Europeans!. For the area of the USA, they were in Florida - St Augustine!. English and French were second and third for North America!. The French settling primarily in Canada!. Of course the Portuguese came to South America - specifically Brazil!.
Then you would have to list the Dutch, the Swedes, and the Germans along with the Scots Irish and Irish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

African Americans were immigrants!? Did they migrate from AfricaAMerica!? Tried to find that on my globe!. Can you tell us where you got that twisted version of history!? Might be fun to read while we take hits on our bongs!.
The College History Teacher, (Uh huh) offers a revisionist version of slavery!. Try checking out the triangular trade of the time!. Then tell us about hijacking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the first were the Europeans, Spanish then Portuguese, Dutch, English!. They then brought the African slaves later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com