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Position:Home>History> What impact did the Scientific Revolution have on European economy?

Question: What impact did the Scientific Revolution have on European economy!?
Did it decline or increased!? If so, was it by a lot or not that much!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This part is extracted from a longer section in Wikipedia: "The Scientific Revolution of the late Renaissance was significant in establishing a base for many modern sciences as well as challenging the power of the Church!. Religion, superstition, and fear were replaced by reason and knowledge!. Brilliant minds started to question all manners of things, and it was this questioning that lead to the Scientific Revolution which in turn formed the foundations of all modern sciences!. Many of these new ideas contradicted previous ideas that had been supported by the church!."

My part: It was essential to the subsequent Industrial Revolution that there was open minded examination of nature and actual thinking beyond the restrictions of the entrenched dogmatic Catholic Church!. Once men were free to do their own thinking, advances proceeded with increasing rapidity!.
Steam power led to Industrialization which led to a factory system and mass production!.

So, the result of the scientific revolution was the industrial revolution which clearly stimulated European economy in a very BIG way - - leading to essential world domination by the European nations by 1900!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It caused an unprecedented number of changes and reforms to the community and caused several major booms in the newly discovered fields!.Www@QuestionHome@Com