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Position:Home>History> Can you compare and contrast the union and confederate armies please?!?

Question: Can you compare and contrast the union and confederate armies please!?!!?
its for the novel the killer angels!!

please help!!

serious answers please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The leadership of both Union and Confederate forces all went to the same schools!.!.!. their tactics were off the same pages!.!.!. they fought in similar ways!. The South was outnumbered as can be seen in the need to take the wagon loads of wounded soldiers south from Gettysburg when normally wounded soldiers were left to the care of non combatants local to the battle area!. The North had industry and could out-produce the south in war material!. The North also enjoyed a technological advantage such as the introduction of the repeating rifle toward the end of the war!. also, after Gettysburg the war was basically fought on Southern soil so the South's infrastructure was slowly destroyed!. The military conclusion of it all could hardly be surprising considering all that!. I also agree with Michael N's input as well!. Not sure if thats what you were looking for!. Hope it helps!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The North had industry and could out-produce the south in war material!. The North also enjoyed a technological advantage such as the introduction of the repeating rifle toward the end of the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Northern Army was larger and better armed, but the Southern army had better leadership!. also the Southern army had more motivation to succeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com