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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know about the case of an Irish woman killed as a witch or possessed

Question: Does anyone know about the case of an Irish woman killed as a witch or possessed person in the early 20th cent
I remember reading about this, but the details now escape me!. It occurred in rural Ireland, probably Connacht!. The woman was maybe ill and somehow word got around that she was either a witch or possessed by demons!. Her neighbors got together and tried to 'fix' her, either through an exorcism or something similar, but they ended up killing her!. This occurred around the year 1900, I think!. I'm looking for her name and details of the case -- it's pretty well known in Ireland and I know there's at least one book about it!.

I've been googling it with no success, so I probably have something wrong in what I remember!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know if this is the one you're thinking of but a book was published a few years ago about a Tipperary woman who was burned alive as they believed she was possessed by the fairies!. It was called The Burning of Brigid Cleary!.


Edit: you're welcome, apparently RTE did something on it recently but the reason I remember it is I was working in a library when the book was released