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Position:Home>History> In what ways were Hitler and Gandhi charismatic?

Question: In what ways were Hitler and Gandhi charismatic!?
I have to write an essay on these two figures in regards to their charisma, and how they used it to rally support!. I don't study history, so know very little detailed information about them!.

It would be great if you could offer any little tidbits which I could use as a starting point!. I don't want to get into a debate about whether Hitler was a good person etc etc (some people can get so worked up on this site), I just need to know in what ways they were charismatic!.

Thankyou for your help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First off Ghandi was a great orater as because he was able to convince the people of india, who were divided through religon (hindu and muslim) and were so fed up with british occupation that they were and partially already seriously considering violent rebellion, to consider non violent protest!. Convinceing a massive nation of people to take part in non violent protest is an amazing thing, he himself had NO
authority whatsoever, he was just a common man with a voice who led by example!.

He was so charasmatic he convinced this large nation to ingage in this activity, which usually ment making a picket line of some sort or doing somehting basic like that impedeing an action or doing somethign they arent supposed to be, and in result being brutallity beatin or killed for it while doing nothing in return!. Everytiem they considered retaliation he stopped them through his vocal charisma, and the charisma in his acts, like when he fasted to the point of starvation to get the muslims and hindus of india to stop fighting eachother and the british!.

In the end with his persuasive argueing and charisma with the british ruleing body, useing the fact that a few hyperviolent british generals, who had lost there patience and massacred a few thousand innocent non violent protesters (which was caught on tape) with rifles, machine guns and tanks killing men women and children which resulted in a huge embarrasment and disgrace upon the british government, that they should just leave and try to salvage there reputation by giving india its independence!.

Hitler was an extermly intelligant person, he figured out ways to make a greater impact on the crowd with speech techniques he developed that were later used by such people as Dr!. Martin Luther King Jr, and Ghandi which i just talked about!. What he was most famous for was approaching the podieum, and not saying anything to teh crowd for several seconds, building tension in the room, he would then start off his speech weaveing words and making claims and touching on the deepest of human emotions more so than reason!. Hitler once said "I use emotion for the many and reason for the few" as well as many other quotes and sayings some of which are commonly used by americans today and dont know he made them!.

Anyways in general his speeches would build and build, he would talk faster, louder and with more passion, saying things that struck at the emotions of the people more and more until the speech climaxed with him yelling at the top of his lungs with hand motions and the crowd on its feet cheering for him!. His oratory skills helped him (A third party canidate, and such as in american third party cannidates typically got only 2 or 3% of the vote) win an election agasint the 2 main partys almost purley off his charisma which is unheard of!.

After this he tricked the rest of the german governmant as he was the elected chanclleor and like the american government was in no way shape or form a dicator but basiclly a president but with less power into giving him compelte control like martial law or something but its a bit differnt but basiiclly he was dictaror for a few months to solve germanys problems and he never gave the power back, dissolving those governing bodies with his political genius adn useing his charisma to gain support of it form the people!.

Hitler did turn Germany around, when he took office germany was in an economic depression and very very weak militarilly due to teh treaty of versias!. In merely two years he took germany from an empoveriesd, and weak country into the world super power which, that kind of success has never been matched in modern history!. It is nothing short of amazing, it took FDR who was almost certainly America's best president 12 years to do that, and he did it with the help of a war that destroyed all the other competeign countrys!.

Hitler used his charasmia in really only one way to turn Germany around and that was the Jews, he decided that to give the german people the confidence they would need to help him turn germany around, as they had as said been defeated (in ww1) and demoralized due to the curretn state of the country that they needed an excuse as to why it happend!. Hitler told them that it was not hte german peoples fault they lost ww1 and failed as a country, he said it was the fault of the Jews, they were hitlers scapegoat, he didnt really care that much who it was so long as it was a small minority that he could make the germans belive it was there fault!.

It needed to be a small mionrity so it woudlnt hurt germany so much and the jews fit the bill the best, he could of blamed the jipsys or people who didint support the first world war!. But the jews worked best, being a small minority who didnt consider themselves german and really didnt care about the suffering of hte german people!. Most of them were educated wealthy buisness owners who instead of helping their fellow germans during there depression left them out in the cold!.

Not to mention the jews had been hated for thousands of years so he thought it would work!. He used his charisma to spark more hatred for the jews bringing up poitns i just mentioned!. The germans hated them enough to abuse and not care about them but not enought to bring genoicde against them!. The german people, the german army, and the german generals did not know about the holocaust!. Only Hitler, the higher up party members and the Waffen SS hitlers elite loyalists soilders who ran the camp knew about it!.

Hitler used the jews as a scape goat for confidence and made them hate the jews so they didnt catre if they dissapred, and Nazi germany which was more conservative adn didnt think women should work in factorys, had a source of male slave labor in the jews in teh concentration camps to make things for the war!. If he had fully intented to wipe out the jews he would of extermantied as many as he could instead of having them work in the camps!.

He did kill anyone who couldnt work obviously many people who did work died from being abused so badly!. Obviously hitler was a horrible person from a morale standpoint, not saying the holocaust was justiafiable or anything just explaining it as it needs to be explained to help explain somethnign he used his charisma for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler regardless of his evil message was a great orator, and held his audience spell bound!. Gandhi was a good speaker with a great message of protest through non violence, that set an example of non violence, and got India it's independence from Great Britain!.
Interesting enough, if Gandhi would have tried his non violence against Hitler he would not have gotten very far, and would of been murdered!. Great Britain, the country worried about world opinion, eventually succumbed!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hitler was charismatic in that he could capture a crowd's attention with very little effort!. he could feed them the same b!.s!. promises everyone else had, but they listened to him because they saw small progresses, not what he was promising but progress nonetheless!. they got caught up in his dream world, where they would be on top!.

ghandi's idea of non-violent protest caught people's attention because violence wasn't getting anywhere!. ghandi would calmly break the laws that weren't fair and no one could stop him!. i don't know that he was very charismatic, but people listened to him because of the same reason they listened to hitler: they got caught up in the dream!.

Blessed BeWww@QuestionHome@Com

They were both charismatic because they connected with people!. They had a persuasive characteristic about them and people listened to them!. People didn't really think about what they were agreeing with or what they were doing (at least in Hitler's case)!. They just went along with it without examining it further!. also, they worded things to capture the attention of their audience and interest them, with the objective of gaining what they want and making everyone else believe that that was what they wanted, too!.
Hope this helped! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

They both convinced entire nations to do things with enthusiasm that those nations otherwise would have thought were ludicrous!. i!.e!. independence through Passive Resistance and GenocideWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler was charismatic by his ruthless determination and threat of force against people who did not go along with his ambitions, listen up for your own survival!. Hitler struggled to get into power through combining with other political parties then wiping out their leaders, then declared himself ultimate ruler and cancelled democracy!. He was not elected by majority vote, most people voted against him!. Thereafter, people were stuck with him, go along with his ambitions or be destroyed!. Those political rallies you see in films where people are all in favour of him were staged, selected audience!. Dissenters and opposition were not allowed near those film sets!. For centuries, Germany was never that homogenous, it always was a place of diverse ideologies and characters!. He was a dictator using propaganda films making it look like everyone was in favour of him, and people who would not go along with it would be exterminated!. That was forced, fake charisma!.

Ghandi was charismatic by his strength of character standing up for what he believed was right and fair, against authoritarian British bullies pushing their system on India, and by the power of his innocence, which most people could copy and feel good about!. IF and when British tried to prod him or them out of their peaceful protest, it made the British really look bad, so it was a source of power that Ghandi showed the populace could work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com