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Question: Question about Josef Mengele!.!?
Despite hit cruel and twisted experiments in Auschwitz, I recently heard that some of his "work" has actually and surprisingly contributed somewhat to modern medical science!. Is this true!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. As much as people might not want to admit it, but yes it has!. His experimentation in regards to the body and temperatures, hypothermia or heatstroke build a very strong foundation stone of modern knowledge!. When you read in your science book that the body enters hypothermia and death comes in ** to ** min of exposure,!.!.!.you know that quite a bit of the reason you know this answer is because some sadistic doctor dropped a few Jews into freezing water and with precise accuracy timed their deaths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with everything said above!. But a few years ago I read somethimg that some medical researchers wanted to use some of his experiments as a reference for their own research!.

The only thing they discussed was that he did many experiments where he placed people in freezing water and documented how long it took them to pass out and eventually die!. But under the circumstances that it was done under, it would be highly unethcial to reference him and it would be as if you were validating the suffering of the victims!.

This man was so evil, there is nothing of any value that anyone could ever convince me that he did that would excuse his behavior!. Especially if you consider that he escaped to Argentina after the war and died there many years later as a free man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Despite his best efforts to convince others that his "experiments" were of any true scientific merit - his actions were completely devoid of anything but a hate filled, twisted soul!.
MOST Nazi officials were ashamed of him!. He did nothing to help the average soldier - he just played a game Hitler enjoyed, i!.e!. the twins, and managed to get through the War alive under HIS aegis!.

The freezing water experiments were not able to be referenced because the subjects used were Concentration Camp victims not healthy young men!. The results were not reliable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's not!.
First of all, many of his experiments had no real scientific value--such as when he injected dye into the eyes of patients to see if he could turn their eyes blue, or when he sewed a pair of twins together to see if he could create an artificial 'Siamese twin!.' He studied Noma, a disease common in the barracks, but studied it in order to prove that it was caused by racial inferiority--therefore giving all of his research an obvious bias, which would render it unusable by future researchers!. His other experiments were of dubious scientific value: giving a woman electric shocks to test her pain threshold and endurance; dissecting live infants; sterilizing nuns with X-ray machines; and so on!.
also, I don't think that any doctor would use Mengele's research!. It was obtained in the most unethical way imaginable, and broke every aspect of Hipoccrates's oath!. I can't imagine that a legitimate researcher or doctor would use that research!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not even a little true!. He killed people by injecting carbolic acid into their hearts to see what would happen!. They died!. He took identical twins and gave them different poisons to see who died first!. He was a very mentally cruel person!. He enjoyed hearing people scream!.
Was it because of his childhood!? Some trauma!? We don't know but he seems to have lived a normal life until he was asked to kill people and he found that he liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No he didn't, his specialty was Eugenics which has since been found to be a false science, he was using twins for his studies, the problem was he was using both identical and fraternal twins, and twin studies should be done with only identical twins, as fraternal twins are not more closly related than ordinary siblings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, certainly not Mengele!. His line of research was faulty!. No matter how well you research astrology, it remains quack science!. Same for his research in the Aryan race!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, my father is a medical doctor, and he sed not at all!. mainly becuz their experiments were directed at cleansing and improving their troops conditions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would doubt it!. i never have heard anything about his work on twins and shared pain feeling working on any of his subjects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely not!. His idea of siamese twins was sewing two babies together!. What a horrible person and an extreeme d-bag!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It′s not true at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mengele used Auschwitz as an opportunity to continue his research on heredity, using inmates for human experimentation!. He was particularly interested in identical twins; they would be selected and placed in special barracks!. He also recruited Berthold Epstein, a Czech pediatrician!. As a doctor, Epstein proposed to Mengele a study into treatments of the disease called Noma, this was noted for particularly affecting children from the camp

While the cause of Noma remains relatively unknown, it is now known that it has a higher occurrence in children suffering from malnutrition and a lower immune system response!. Many develop the disease shortly after contracting another illness such as measles or tuberculosis!. Mengele tried to prove that Noma was caused by racial inferiority, but he was wrong!.

Mengele took an interest in physical abnormalities discovered among the arrivals at the concentration camp!. These included dwarfs, notably the Ovitz family - the children of a Romanian artist, of whom seven of the 10 members were dwarfs!. Prior to their deportation they toured in Eastern Europe as the Lilliput Troupe!. He often called them "my dwarf family;" to him they seemed to be the perfect expression of "the abnorm!."

When the SS abandoned the Auschwitz Camp on January 17, 1945, Mengele transferred to Gro? Rosen camp in lower Silesia, again working as camp physician!. Gro? Rosen was dissolved in the end of February when the Red Army was close to taking the camp[20]!. Mengele worked in other camps for a short time and on May 2, joined a Wehrmacht medical unit led by his former colleague at the Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene, Dr!. Hans Otto Kahler, in Bohemia!. The unit hurried west to avoid being captured by the Soviets and were taken as POWs by the Americans!. Mengele, initially registered under his own name, was released in June 1945 with papers giving his name as "Fritz Hollmann!." From July 1945 until May 1949, he worked as a farmhand in a small village near Rosenheim, Bavaria, staying in contact with his wife and his old friend Hans Sedlmeier, who arranged Mengele's escape to Argentina via Innsbruck, Sterzing, Merano, and Genova!. Mengele may have been assisted by the ODESSA network

A more in depth look at some of the abhorrent Nazi methods:
Eye Dying - The Nazis were fascinated with eye color!. One form of torture their twisted doctors would do is to put certain chemicals in the eyes of their prisoners to try and make their eyes change color!. This, of course was a very painful experience and most of their prisoners went away blind!.

Twins Experimentation - The Nazis were also fascinated by twins!. Twins who survived the holocaust had different experiences, but many of them remember all sorts of horrors they had to go through!. They were taken to labs, injected, blood drawn, body parts measured, used for all sorts medical experiments without their consent!. Now they have had to suffer from many diseases and medical problems that no one can explain!. Through twins Nazi experimenter Josef Mengele thought he could genetically engineer a flawless race!.

Hot Bath - The victim was placed in warm water and the temperature was slowly increased!. Many victims died due to shock if they were warmed up to quickly!.

Internal Irrigation - A frozen victim would have water heated to an extreme temperature irrigated to the stomach, bladder and intestines!. No one survived this harsh, cruel experiment!.

Cryogenics - One way they executed this form of torture was by the "icy vat method," as it was called!. The selections were made of young healthly Jews or Russians!. They were usually stripped naked and prepared for the experiment!. A insulated probe which measured the drop in the body temperature was inserted into the rectum!. The probe was held in place by a expandable metal ring which was adjusted to open inside the rectum to hold the probe firmly in place!. The victim was then placed in the vat of cold water and started to freeze!. It was learned that most victims lost consciousness and died when the body temperature dropped to 25 C (77 F)!.

The list of atrocities goes on and on!.

Some of the more infamous Nazi doctors:
Karl Gebhardt - Hanged
Fritz Fischer - Life in Prison
Adolf Pokorny - Acquitted
August Hirt - Hanged
Sigmund Rascher - Hanged
Edwin Katzenellenbogen - Life in Prison

Since the end of the war, there has been a debate on how much of the findings of these experiments should be looked at!. The first argument is, "We should use this knowledge, however gruesomely it was attained, to help people in the present!. Let not their sacrifices
have been in vain"!. The counter-argument is, "By using this information, we would be admitting that these were valid experiments, and that course would not discourage it from happening again"!.

Some of the information regarding human survival in freezing water has since been studied and applied!.Www@QuestionHome@Com