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Position:Home>History> Why did Rome sustain an empire while Greece failed. Please list around 5 key ide

Question: Why did Rome sustain an empire while Greece failed!. Please list around 5 key ideas about why this happened!.!?
It would be helpful if you talked about the different aspects of their empires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Rome was more unscrupulous, forceful, more cruel (kidnapping foreigners, slavery, and non-war slaughter of people), and actually constantly at it, trying to prop up their empire while people were revolting and trying to gain independence!. On moral grounds, Rome failed thoroughly while Greece was a successful civilization!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even if you only go from the date of the first Olympics to the death of Cleopatra, the ending of "Ancient" Greece, that is a period of over 700 years!. How is this a failure!?

But Greek civilization goes back even further than the stories of the Argo Voyage, Heracles, and Oedipus, which is 1600 years BCE!.

I do not consider this a failure!. They simply began and ended at different periods!. The Roman empire does not go back that far, not as a civilization!.


Do your own homework!. No school would allow students to submit someone else's work as your own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rome was an empire, but Greece was just a bunch of city states called "polis"!. Maybe this counted a lot~Www@QuestionHome@Com