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Position:Home>History> WORLD WAR 3, when will it Start & how will it End?

Question: WORLD WAR 3, when will it Start & how will it End!?
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It will most likely start in the middle east we don't know win!. I would say in the next 10-30 years!. To win the war you will have to control the oil fields!. Who ever controls them wins due to the fact the enemy will not be able to operate their vehicles and supply their forces with out oil!. Below is the line up

Axis (bad guys)
-Saudi Arabia
- North Korea
-Vietnam (maybe)
-China (maybe)

-Russia (maybe)

If the war happens like this it will end in an allied victory!. However, I would guess that well over 100 million people will die and leave the world in a depression for years to come, as well as wasting our already near-depleted resources!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If Russia is serious about defending Iran from attack and the US gets a missile deterrent station in the Czech Republic, then when the US attacks Iran Russia and China will launch their missiles at the US!. Russia and China aren't part of the Zionist controlled Western world, and the Zionist are intent on owning the entire world!. The communist are also intent on getting rid of capitalism and the Zionist who they see as a cancer infesting the world and suppressing evolution by hoarding wealth and resources!. When the nuclear meltdown ends half of the US with be destroyed, as will Russia and China, and the radiation will take about 2 to 3 months to get down to levels that can be tolerated by humans!. The rich Republicans see this coming and are moving to other countries far away from the blasts and then hiding out in fallout shelters until the radiation clears to tolerable levels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before the election so Bushie can help Mccain win!. The US will attack Iran and all H*** will break lose!. It will end when the superpowers wipe out the OPEC nations govts and replace them with govts who will pump all the oil the US and others want!.

This is just a joke - we are of course geting ready for an invasion from space!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sir ,if you have ever soldiered in true combat where you can see the face/eyes/features of the person you are about to kill or who will kill you--you would not be asking this question!. ------i do not know when or if ww3 happens but i fear a lot of young lives on both sides will die for nothing but politicians gone mad --the pen is mightier than the bladeWww@QuestionHome@Com

it has probably already started and it will end as all wars-badlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm guessing in the next couple of years!. End hopefully with the return of Christ!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dunno when it'll start but i bet it ends in tearsWww@QuestionHome@Com