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Position:Home>History> Counterfactual history; a useful tool or a waste of time?

Question: Counterfactual history; a useful tool or a waste of time!?
For example, if the Chinese had discovered the New World first!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alternative history is another term for this!.
I think the concept is useful!. It broadens thinking in that it allows the mind to wonder how history might be different!.
For instance, what if Hitler had won WW II!.
There are many professions today which require that people be flexible in thinking!. You must look at what might be in order to expand what is!. Technology among other fields requires this!. Try getting a job at Apple if you just want to think like everyone else!.
Alternate history is good for the mind!. It is a part of creative thinking which is not only fun, it is necessary for our experiences to be more exciting!.
If you take your specific question re the Chinese, asking your question also requires that you consider this: why DIDN'T the Chinese discover America!. Thus by asking your question, you are really not dealing with alternative history, but actual history!. So your alternative history question becomes a means of understanding "true" history, that is, the way history actually played itself out!.
Bottom line: the alternative history approach is another way of understanding true history and is not merely a diversion or recreation!. It allows you to arrive at an understanding which other approaches might not succeed at!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people groups arrived in the New World before Colombus did, but his arrival left a lasting impact that changed the course of history forever, so that is why we make a big deal out of him!.

As for counterfactual history in general, if you're interested in it, then it's something worth looking into!. I guess it might give a little bit of insight!. Not a complete waste of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's actually a waste of time because even if the Chinese did found the New World first, they didn't do much contributing to the history of the world through their discovery!. Pur simply, the Chinese didn't make enough of an impact to place them in the History of the World!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In terms of teaching history it's a waste of time as it turns the history lesson into a creative writing class!. It's better to stick to the facts and be efficient with the limited time available to introduce a subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, there is evidence that the Chinese did discover the New World first, but never followed up!. Does it make a difference to history!?
