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Position:Home>History> I just came across some ding ding who does not know what a Nazi is!?

Question: I just came across some ding ding who does not know what a Nazi is!!?
My question is, how in the world can you exist in the world and be literate and of an age where history courses are taught and not know what a Nazi is!? The guy is from another country and i was just curious, do they not teach that in History courses all over the world!? I thought that was standard Modern European History!v What are your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some countries teach a very slanted version of history, for example when the Soviet Union was around they used to teach that on D-Day it was the Soviets who invaded France and after they had everything in hand the other allies came in!. I can see where someone from another country has no idea who the Nazis are but the truth is I know people in this country who have very little idea who they are, they've heard of them but have no idea who they really are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He might not know because he is from a part of the world where they don't teach that!. Many people in the mideast believe the Holocaust never happened!. (And correct me if I got the location wrong!.) But you have to realize that history is a one-sided subject!. We all learn the generic facts in history--never the facts that make history ACTUAL history!. The history we learn in school is just garbage facts!.!.!.nothing deep!. Thus, if Europeans are learning American history, they are probably only learning about the history that benefits them!. We've learned European history, but we only learn the winning sides!. That's how history is!. The winning side writes the books and the losing side slumps off with its tail between its legs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well first of all, even most history books don't really describe what a Nazi or National Socialism really was as we usually just get the 'headlines' and how sadistic and stupid Hitler was without getting into the political party!. That being said, it is shocking that they had no idea what it was even a Hollywood version seen in countless movies!. I almost would assume you are being messed with as I just don't see how it would be possible unless he's like 12 or under and the schools just dont' teach the history until later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's awesome that there is someone in the world who has not had his mind warped by the Jewish interpretation of history!.Leave him alone and let him educate himself on the subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wonder what country he is from!.

Some countries (especially in the middle east) deny the holocaust and therefore do not teach it to their children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest that you don't know as much as you think that you do!. I'd sooner trust Hitler about the Jews than the reverse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In this day and age, it is still possible to find those who do not fully understand that the German National Socialist Worker's Party was a political party, and that it was voted into power democratically in 1933!. I would ask that person what history he did study before I jumped to any conclusions about his ignorance and call him a "ding ding!."

I learned all about the N!.S!.D!.A!.P!. outside of school, my high school History classes taught me little that I did not know already!. I am sure there are many countries outside of North America and Europe that focus mostly on their own country's history, and do not focus on 20th Century European History!.

As it is, I see dozens and dozens of questions regarding Hitler, the Holocaust, and Nazi Germany here - many of those people asking seem to be under the impression that World War II was little more than only "the ethnic cleansing of the European Jews" (ignoring the 5!.5 million non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust), the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (ignoring the wider Pacific War from 1937-1945)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com