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Position:Home>History> Were General Custer's last words Zulus thousands of them?

Question: Were General Custer's last words Zulus thousands of them!?
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Definitely not anything to do with Zulus!.!.!.No one knows his last words ,as there were no white surivivors from his unit (Reno and Benteen had survivors,but Custers troop didnt,or maybe just one,not proven) !.!.From the indidan side his last word wa likely "Forward" ,as the indian that is most likely to have killed Custer (who was a Lt Colonel,not a general) shot a officer mounted on the correct color scheme horse and correct dress for Custer,a small troop of soldiers came down to the banks of the creek, the leader (belived by most historians to have been Custer) gave a hand motion forward and led into the stream at a rush and was promptly shot out of the saddle,his body was recovered by the men and they retreated (which struck the indians as odd) !.Custers death wounds were later recorded by the surgeon as a large calibre rifle wound to the chest and a close range pistol wound to the temple (likely administered post mortem)!.!.!.but theres no way to know what his last words were, its certain they didnt have anything to do with ZulusWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think there were any Zulus in Montana!. Custer's opponents were mainly Sioux and Cheyenne, plus a small but unknown number of Arapaho allies!.

Tho commonly addressed and alluded to as "General" (he had temporarily attained the brevet rank of major-general during the Civil War), Custer was actually a lieutenant-colonel at the time of the Battle of Little Big Horn!.

No one today knows Custer's last words, tho many variants have been offered!. I have been told that Custer was fashionably dressed at the time!. When found he was wearing an Arrow Shirt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because he and his men of the 7th cavalry were killed at the "Battle of the Little Bighorn" in 1876, in Montana, USA fighting the Sioux and Cheyenne!.

Whilst it was the British Army who were defeated at "Islandlwana" in 1879 in Natal ,South Africa by the Zulus!.

Perhaps, someone from the British Army might have said something like that when they saw the Zulus approaching but I can guarantee you this It wasn't General Custer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


They were: Some numpty is goin' to get his continents, races and battles mixed up!.

Unless; as I think it is, it's a trick question!.


As songbird has stated, the battle of Little Bighorn is where "Colonel" Custer met his fate; just about every schoolboy over the age of ten knows this!.

also has as been stated by other posters, the Zulus defeated the English at an outpost at Rourkes drift, Islandwa!. (I hope I spelt that right!.) There were very few survivors left to tell the tale from the English side!. This battle has the record number of Victoria crosse's awarded for one action: Eleven in total, mostly posthumously!.

You're either confused, or setting us up for a joke!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is very easy to make fun of the past!. Have you ever thought through the situation as it appeared to Custer!? Any battle plan is only as good as the intelligence supporting it and the mind that has to construct strategy and tactics!. Perhaps Custer was lacking in many things but he was a brave man and so were the troops who died with him!. Generals have made mistakes are are still doing so!. Many troops will die because of the personal qualities or motives of those in command!. Think about the wars in Iraq, Viet Nam, and other places!. It is easy to make jokes and sometimes they are our only defence against the reality of the situation but a little thought can work wonders, even for boys!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Was that the Battle of Wounded Knee!? Custer's last stand!. What the hell were the Zulu's doing there!?
The film 'Zulu' 1964!. 'Zulus Sir, thousands of them!.'
At the Rourke's Drift Stockade!. It's a long time ago, but I think it was spoken by Michael Caine to Stanley Baker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the quote "Zulus - Thousands of them" is from the Film "Zulu" which dramatised Rourke' Drift, a famous stand of the british army, after the massacre of Islandwhana,

The film is well worth Seeing - got michael caine in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unlikely given that Zulus are an african tribe!.
More probably it would have been "Where the FXXK did all those indians come from!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Got to be a joke!. It was little Big horn where Colonel Custer, was beaten the Souix Indians led by Chief Sitting Bull!. They were northern plains Indians, and if you ever saw Dances with Wolves, those were Lakota Souix!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Custer's last words as recorded by the elders of the Souix Nation; "Short back and sides please!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

when custer saw thousands of american natives he turned to his favourite indian scout and said"looks like its the end for us"and the tracker replied"speak for yourself you white honky"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ermm, it was the British that fought the Zulus, not Custer, he was an American!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He wasn't a General anyway - and his last words were "stick your head in mustard"Www@QuestionHome@Com

No his last words were "whose idea was it to stay and fight, anyone!? ANYONE!?!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Zulu's!?!?!?!?!? WTF!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's Custer got to do with Zulu's!? Thought he was at the Little Big Horn not Rourkes Drift!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he probably said,"Oh S***!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Beam me up Mr!. Scott!!!"Www@QuestionHome@Com


I dont think they were!. Zulus were african, custer was american!. Maybe it was "mexicans!.!.!.!.thousands of them"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

south american indians not zulusWww@QuestionHome@Com