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Position:Home>History> What day did Nicholas II of Russia die?

Question: What day did Nicholas II of Russia die!?
Some sources say July 17th while others say the 18th!. I just want to know the truth!.wWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was 2:33 am on the 17th!. Most of the confusion I see on the date says that it was "late in the evening of the 16th", which turns out to be after midnight, and thus the 17th!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Romanovs died on the 17th of July, 1918!.

I know this for a fact as I have been researching Russian history extensively for practically half my life, and I am a Romanov obsessive!. They were executed by the Bolsheviks at the Ipatiev House on the date I provided, because the current Russian dictator wanted the Romanov bloodline ended!.

Hope this helped!

July 17, 1918 is my best answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most sources I've seen say 17th!. I'll go with that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com