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Position:Home>History> Tell me the name of this book, on the lessons of history?

Question: Tell me the name of this book, on the lessons of history!?
It's actually a BUSINESS/history book, that gives guidelines on how to use history as guide to the present!.!.!.It gives 4 guidelines, on whether an incident is relevant or not, and how to apply it!. It's got an opening chpt!. on Cortez, another on battle of Midway, one on the king who unified medieval France, has a picture on it of Cortez wearing metallic spectacles!. Anybody know of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Scuttle Your Ships Before Advancing: And Other Lessons from History on Leadership and Change for Today's Managers

by Richard A Luecke
