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Question: World War 2!.!.!.!?
1) What kinds of things did Hitler do to test the waters in preparation for global war!?

2) What were two of the turning points of the war!? How did they help the Allies achieve victory!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) Hitler tested his weapons in the Spanish Civil War, called the "Dress Rehearsal" of WWII!. He supplied weapons and supplies to the Fascist Nationalists, who were led by Francisco Franco!. In this way, he tested his supplies for WWII!. He also invaded Anschluss and Sudetenland to see if the British and French would do anything about it, but instead they appeased!. These are two examples of how he "tested the waters" for the war!.

2) Two turning points in WWII were Stalingrad and Midway!. Stalingrad helped the Allies go on the offensive in Eastern and Central Europe, after they pushed the Axis troops out of Russia!. Midway finally halted the Imperial Japanese Navy and Yamamoto's momentum!. The US gained some steam and allowed the Allies to gain momentum and firepower in the war!. The US was rehabilitated after some crushing losses of battleships!. Allied wins at Midway and Stalingrad turned the tide in the Allies favor during WWII, and contributed greatly to their victory in Europe and Japan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. annexed Sudetland, took over Chechoslovakia, took over Austria, re-armed in violation of the Versailles Treaty,

2!. Stalingrad in European theatre and Midway in the Pacific theatre!. Before Stalingrad, the war was still up for grabs, after Stalingrad, there was no doubt about the outcome!. The loss of the Sixth Army, men and material, was something the Wehrmact never recovered from!. Midway meanwhile put Japan on the defensive from there on out, with the loss of 4 of their carriers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

2) when the Germans attacked Russia, and when the Japanese attacked America!. Both Russia and America took an active role in defeating Germany and Japan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Annexing Austria and the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia!.
2) Stalingrad, Guadalcanal, The Battle of Britten!.Www@QuestionHome@Com