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Question: Chance to get 10 points in Essay for Academic American History!?
1st Essay
1!. Describe a major result of the Civil War on the US and asses whether the result was good or bad for the country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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your answer is on your facebook message just log inn and chack it out peace outWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Civil War solved the problem of slavery in America, and secondarily solved the issue of states rights!. This slavery issue had been dogging the US ever since the creation of the Constitution, where several compromises existed to keep the slave states equal to free states and thus keep any laws harmful to slavery from passing!.

Slavery, specifically the expansion of slavery, encompassed all the other divisions between the North and South!. Once this obstacle was removed from the American scene, the united country was free to meet her next destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When the North and South were reunited, at the end of the war, the South had lost 1/3 of all it's wealth!. King Cotton had been dethroned and that had been the South's major export!. Britain no longer needed to buy cotton from the South!. This put the South in financial debt!. The North now wielded all the money and power!. This was bad because all the money in the country was centered in one area and we entered an economic crisis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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the south was reunited with the north!. good because we were a stronger nation together and couldn't be easily overtaken by other nations like we would be if separate!. we had more resources and workforce and money together, but not RIGHT after the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com