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Position:Home>History> Us foreign policy in 1796?

Question: Us foreign policy in 1796!?
what was the foreign policy in the second term of george washington's presidency!? what was it during john adam's first term!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Washington and Adams both wanted to stay out of European affairs!. Even though America won its independence with their alliance with France, the government felt they should stay out of the conflict in Europe between France and England!. Adams wanted to avoid war at all costs and sent diplomats to both France and England to show neutrality!. While Alexander Hamilton and other members of the Cabinet were pro-English and lcalling for a war with France, Adams was doing everything he could to avoid it!. Slander campaigns went out and many people wanted to go to war with France!. Adams refused wanting to use diplomacy at all costs and then the election came!. Just after the electoral college voted, Adams got word that France had signed a peace treaty!. Adams had his victory for peace, but it cost him the election to Thomas Jefferson!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Washington's foreign policy was to stay out of European affairs!. John Adams continued that but he was worried about immigrants and signed the Alien and Sedition Acts to jail anyone that spoke against the government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The policy was to not interfere in other countrys' affairs!. John Adams had the same foreign policy, but was strict on who entered the country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com