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Question: History - East Asia!?
I've been looking through the textbook and I couldn't find the answer to this question, it's the only one left!. All help is appreciated!.

How did the physical features of the land and waters in East Asia influence the development of the culture!?????????????Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Desert and mountain barriers, including the high Tibetian Plateau, on China's western borders complicated travel, although they didn't altogether prevent influences from crossing borders!. This led to a culture of isolation and a sense of superiority among the Chinese, as they felt they were self-sufficient and were proud of their culture, which they would see be adapted by many other Asian societies!.

Before modern times, most Chinese lived in inland river valleys rather than along the coast; as a result, maritime commerce (sea trade) would not be very significant until 1000 C!.E!.

Winds blowing in from the Gobi Desert of Mongolia to the north of China deposited massive amounts of dust known as loess, which enriched the soils of North China!.

Japan is made up of 3,400 islands!. Due to mountains, only a 6th of Japan is suitable for intensive farming and herding!. While Japan and Korea had sporadic relations, Japan was widely isolated!. However, unlike China, the Japanese were open to adopt others' traditions and practices that they saw as beneficial--they cherry picked from other cultures, creating a unique fusion!.

Due to Korea's frigid winters, they came up with an ingenious method of floor heating still used today that circulates heat through chambers in a stone floor!. Because of early Chinese conquest, Korea was widely influenced by China!.

I'm not sure as to what specific regions you wanted information on, so if China, Korea, and Japan didn't cover what you wanted, tell me and I will add more accordingly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mesopotamia is mostly flat, fertile soil conducive to irrigation farming!. it was part of the "fertile crescent"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com